Chapter Forty-Three

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We were at the back lawn this time, one of the moments I couldn't ever forget in my whole life. Today's my birthday and probably the last one I'd be sharing with my Mom. I was seven when Dad introduced me to his world; the world of guns and bloodbat- that is his military life.

Even though my mother is against his decision, he still pursued his own choice. On that very day, he trained me to become a fighter. That more than the kicks and punches, more than the blades and guns, he trained me to fight even the unseen enemies in my life that no tactics of matial arts could defeat. He raised me to be his strong girl.

"Always remember to fight with this," he said and pointed a finger at my head.

"But don't forget to fight with your heart."

The vision then became blurry and slowly, memories came flooding on what's happening at the present. I opened my eyes and jerked my head. The motion alone made me dizzy and felt that my whole body was sore and throbbing with pain, my head the very worst.

Amids the searing agony, I forced my senses to function and decipher where the hell I am right now. The foolish side of me still thinks that I fell asleep watching the battle of the bands and this is just some stupid nightmare I'm experiencing. But this is so not it.

The urge to massage my aching head came through me and it's until then I realized that both my hands are bound tight with ropes at my back and so as my feet. Only the dim light bulb is the source of light in this dark room that seemed to be a cubicle without windows nor a single door.

I heaved myself up in a sitting position though it feels already a torture to do so. This is usually the scene that mostly happens on action movies. When the lead character was kidnapped, struggled for a few tormenting hours but was then eventually rescued by the good guys. Yet in this case it's for real and it's happening to me. There is even zero assurance that anyone could save me outta this place. Maybe my ending would be in a black body bag after those helluva morons already got what they wanted out of me.

Instead of overthinking again what these bad guys want and might do to me later, I paid more attention on how I could escape this. First top, I need to recover my strength so that my mind will function at its fullest in order for me to work out a way to be free of these effing ropes. And that means no useless shouting of "Help me!" or "Get me outta here!".

I tried to find some sharp objects that I could use to cut my binds although I already know that whoever those assholes are, they weren't stupid enough to let that thing slip, yet I still tried. I only stopped once I heard loud mutterings coming from outside the damn room I'm in.

"'re wounded like that?! A mere seventeen-year old, really? Huh! I can't believe how stupid you are Benjamin and you didn't even think for a damn second to remove the tracks?! Now the fucking policemen knows about the damn incident!"

That boisterous voice who just spoke is clearly angry of this one named Benjamin. He might be the guy I was able to stab two times with my knife. There's another good thing though, the thought that the police now knows about this, made me have a single ray of hope that I could still survive.

I heard a loud crash from outside which now seemed to be some furnitures being thrown elsewhere. Those guys out there are totally a bunch of psychos.

"Bring her to me. Now!"

That same commanding voice ordered and seconds later, a burst of light came through the room as the door opposite me- which I didn't notice was there before- immediately opened. It admitted the same man who strangled me that time I was abducted and I just eyed him askance as he stepped forward to remove the bounds on my feet and then forced me to stand up again using his unleveled force. I won't stand a chance against him without any weapons and when both my hands are still tied so fighting would be of no use.

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