A Winter Story Part 23

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"Hey noona."

Valene turned her head in surprise. As soon as she exited the MRT station, she found Yoonsung in the middle of a crowd. He stands out for his tall stature and blonde hair. Valene returned a wave of her hand and rushed toward him.

"Why are you here, Yoonsung?" asked Valene, "is your sale finished?"

"Yes, we are selling not far from here. Noona yourself, what are you doing here?"

"I want to see Kyungju," Valene replied.

"I think Kyungju hyong won this competition. Congratulations for him."

"Why should I deliver your congratulation message to him? How about the two of us meet him?"

"Actually, that's a great idea. But won't I disturb you later?"

"How could Yoonsung bother us? Come on, let's just go together."

"Okay. Come on get into my car, it will shorten the journey and save us time and effort."

Valene obediently followed Yoonsung to his car. This is the first time for Valene to ride in Yoonsung's car, and Yoonsung's car is just as cool as Kyungju's car, because it's also the newest sports car model. Valene puts on a seat belt and Yoonsung starts driving his car. Twenty minutes passed, and Valene didn't know where she was right now.

"Hmm... Yoonsung, are you sure you know where Kyungju is? Looks like he's waiting for us not far..."

Yoonsung stopped his car on a side of a rather quiet road. Valene looked around: it seemed the area was very sparsely populated.

"We're not going to see him. I will make him come to us."

"What do you mean?" Valene asked, confused.

"Mianhae, noona."

Quickly, Yoonsung put a handkerchief to Valene's nose and mouth. Valene who was still tied to the seat belt couldn't escape, she could only struggle with all her might against Yoonsung's hand. But all was in vain because Yoonsung was stronger than her. And slowly, the smell that Valene smell made her lose consciousness. Everything went dark for Valene. Kyungju... where is Kyungju?


What's that sound... it's my cell phone... where am I... was it Kyungju calling? Kyungju... Valene opened her eyes. It was very difficult for her to recognize where she was now. She looked around the dim light and she found the light source, it turned out to be a flashlight which was quite large. From the flashlight, Valene could see that she was in a kind of enormous room, but there is nothing in this room. Valene tries to find her cell phone, and at that moment, she just finds herself tied to a wooden chair. Her hands were tied tightly to the back of the chair. How is she here in this state? Valene tries to dig into her memory... but the last thing she sees is Yoonsung's black eyes. Yoonsung! Valene went back to looking for the direction of the other sources of sound and light, and there he was!

"Noona finally conscious? Am I giving you too heavy dosage? Jeongmal mianhae..." said Yoonsung, who was sitting at the table where the flashlight Valene had noticed earlier.

Valene's cell phone that rang was on Yoonsung's lap. What did the dosage mean, Valene still didn't understand what was going on.

"Yoonsung, let go of me!"

Yoonsung lifted Valene's cell phone into Valene's vision. Valene widened her eyes: it was Kyungju who was calling.

"We should ignore Kyungju hyong for a while while we talk about some important things," Yoonsung said, putting Valene's cellphone on the table.

(English ver) A Winter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now