A Winter Story Part 27

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Yoonsung, who was lying on Kyungju's bed, went to Kyungju's table when Kyungju's cellphone kept ringing indicating the Kakao Talk messages that were coming in continuously. The Kakao Talk message appears on his cellphone screen even though the cellphone is locked.

Kyungju-ya, where are you? Did you forget that this afternoon we have a movie schedule? I ordered the ticket! I'll kill you if you forget!

Reading that, Yoonsung thought, since when was the relationship between the two of them this close? The curious Yoonsung takes Kyungju's cellphone and sits on the bed. The cellphone is locked with a fingerprint, but the password can also unlock it. Yoonsung tries to dial 1-6 and is shocked when the cellphone opens: Kyungju doesn't even care about the password. Without waiting longer, Yoonsung opened the Kakao Talk message from the name "Jagiya" which apparently is Valene. That's Valene's face, that's Valene's typing style, Yoonsung recognizes it. And it turned out that what he feared was true... Valene and Kyungju are already dating. But why... why is Kyungju taking the person he loves again? With trembling hands, Yoonsung throws Kyungju's cellphone on the bed. The world is unfair... no one has ever done justice to him. He was only number two, then, now, and even forever... If there was Kyungju, he would have been only the number two... he had to think of a strategy to get rid of Kyungju... or grab something he loved... because Kyungju had to feel how he felt every now and then... Yes, it is true...

"Yoonsung... Yoonsung-ah..."

Who is that? Yoonsung thought, turned around. He is sure he is alone now, but why did he hear Valene's voice calling out to him? But no Valene here. Where did the voice come from?

"Yoonsung, wake up..."

And everything suddenly went dark, Yoonsung seemed to be sucked in the darkness.


"Ouch ..."

Yoonsung doesn't know which hurts more: his entire joints, his head, or his eyes. His hands felt heavy being used to protect his eyes from the bright lights above him.


Slowly, Yoonsung was able to see well: to see Valene, whose face was wet with tears and Kyungju who was sweating. But their eyes sparkled with pleasure.

"What happened?" Yoonsung asked, his voice hoarse.

"Finally you wake up too! We thought we would lose you after... after you fell!" exclaimed Valene in her trembling voice.

"Luckily, the team from the hospital that was brought by Secretary Kim has prepared a rescue net below us. I didn't even think that Secretary Kim would prefer to bring a medical team over the police," said Kyungju.

Yoonsung's eyes investigated the two of them. Valene has bruises on her arm, Kyungju looks messy and her shirt looks torn in several places. Is all this his doing? Did he really nearly kill them? No, I don't want to hurt them, Yoonsung thought.

"How do you feel? Should I call the doctor?"

"No, hyong. I am fine. Even I feel better after seeing the two of you here."

Valene gently touched Yoonsung's shoulder and Yoonsung smiled softly at him.

"I'm sorry, noona, hyong... forgive my selfishness."

"No, please just forget about it Yoonsung. I... after remembering everything... I feel guilty..."

"Don't feel sorry for me, hyong. I should not be jealous of what you have and what I don't have. I should be grateful for what I have right now without having to be greedy. I'm sorry, both of you. I will bless you with all my heart from now on."

"Oh Yoonsung..."

Valene hugged Yoonsung and Yoonsung felt his body ache a little.

"Ouch noona, my body hurts..."

"Ah, I'm sorry! I'm just too happy!"

"Get well soon Yoonsung. I will treat you whatever you want."

"That's a promise hyong must keep!"

And the three of them laughed. At least Valene's vacation ends with a happy ending. Even if she and Kyungju have thousands of miles apart in dating, at least she will try to maintain this relationship with all her strength.


(English ver) A Winter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now