A Winter Story Part 28

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June has arrived. Valene is eager to go to Korea again because it has been almost 6 months since she saw her handsome boyfriend face to face. But unfortunately, when she checked her savings balance, she knew it was not possible for her to leave. Valene languidly reads Nancy's message. It has been a long time since Valene has seen this 2 months pregnant woman. Nancy was somewhat locked up by Andrew since Andrew found out that his wife was pregnant. Valene misses her and feels lonely at the moment, even though her busy job leaves herself barely breathing.

Valene, have you ever been to "J" Coffee Shop which just opened two months ago? Come here, I happen to be here with Andrew

Valene rolled her eyes and she just remembered that she had never tried the new coffee shop yet. The rumour said that the owner is Korean, but Valene herself is still unconfirmed about it. But since Nancy ask her to go there and she already came home from work, she wanted to try it too.

Okay, I'll be there

Valene got on her motorcycle and drove through the evening streets of Palembang, which was busy and crowded this Sunday night. After almost ten minutes of driving, Valene parked her motorbike in front of the seemingly busy Coffee Shop. The letter "J" on the front of the cafe shines with a metallic green color and is very striking. Valene pushed open the café door and a beautiful waitress greeted her.

"Good evening, how many people did you come with?"

"I'm looking for my friend... oh, there she is!"

Nancy waved from the table in the middle of the room and Andrew sat with his back to Valene's eyes. The waitress led Valene to sit in the chair for the five of them. Valene sat next to Nancy.

"Why did you choose the table for the five of you? There is only three of us."

"Right now, it's only three. But later there will be five of us."

"Hah? How come?"

But Nancy just smiled as she looked over Valene's shoulder. Confused, Valene turned her head and was so shocked, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. There were two handsome men walking towards her and it seemed all the attention of everyone in the café was only on the two of them. Valene recognized the two of them, one of them was her boyfriend. Yes, they are Song Kyungju and Song Yoonsung. There were still whispers as they both sat on the empty chairs at Valene's table. Valene is still frozen when Kyungju embraces her.

"Noona Jagiya, do you like my cafe? This will be your cafe later. I'm here to work, not to open a real café."

Yoonsung chuckled while waving at Valene, "Long time no see, noona."

"What is this?" Valene asked a little angry as she let go of Kyungju's arm, "You've been here for 2 months and didn't tell me?"

"Oh no, I was only here four days ago. I only run this café from Korea."

"So what do you mean for work?"

"Our company opened a branch here. Yoonsung will be working in Korea, while Haraboji agreed to transfer me here."

"Here? At Palembang?"

"In Jakarta, actually. But I will more easily visit you from now on noona."

Valene looked at the faces of the people at her table one by one and they all looked happy.

"This... this isn't a dream right?" Valene stammered.

"Of course not. Come on, noona, let's get married."

Valene stares at Kyungju's unpredictable face: whether serious or not, Valene never knows.


And it looks like Valene's love story really ended with a happy ending.


The story has reach the final chapter! Please keep supporting my work by following me! Don't forget to read:

I'm (Not) Allow to Love You

and its sequel

You Are (Not) My Destiny

Both ready in Indonesian and English version. Have a little talk with me through my social media Instagram xzmayfzx. See you at my new work!

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