A Winter Story Part 10

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When she arrived at the airport for departure to Jeju, Valene felt a light heart. With Kyungju having been with her lately after work (around 6 pm) things felt good. Valene put her little suitcase next to Nancy's and Andrew's and sat on the lounger right next to Nancy. Valene cast her gaze here and there.

"Where's Kyungju?" asked Nancy.

"I don't know, we'll have to get on the plane in half an hour," Valene replied anxiously.

But when Valene's eyes widened, it wasn't Kyungju who was walking towards them, but Yoonsung who was carrying a dark purple backpack in his hand. A smile spread across his face as he drew closer to Valene.

"Annyeong, Valene-ssi. Kyungju is sorry he has another meeting, and he really can't take time off, so I'll be your tour guide. I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course I don't mind at all! Gomawo, Yoonsung," said Valene sincerely.

"Can I call you noona too?"

Who would mind being called noona by a man as handsome as Yoonsung? Valene nodded her head excitedly.

"Alright, let's have fun in Jeju!" exclaimed Yoonsung.

So far, Valene has only met Yoonsung two or three times so she doesn't know him well enough. Valene just hopes, Yoonsung is as much fun as Kyungju.


"Andrew, what do you think about this outfit?"

Andrew, who had been lying on the bed playing with his tablet, put the tablet on his stomach and looked at Nancy. Nancy is trying on the clothes she just bought by placing them in front of her body in front of the mirror. This is their second day in Jeju and Nancy's groceries have been piled up in the corner of the room.

"You went shopping again with Valene and Yoonsung?" asked Andrew calmly.

"Yes. Yoonsung showed me a place to shop for cheap clothes in Jeju, so I bought some."

"Actually I was surprised, it wasn't that our purpose here was to survey the café, but so far all we've been doing is traveling and you, shopping."

Nancy sat next to the husband she married to five months ago.

"What do you mean," said Nancy, grinning.

"Then when will we seriously start the survey?" demanded Andrew.

"I guess after we go back to Seoul again?"

"Don't keep shopping. Our baggage and finances are limited."

"OK. But I can't hold back my desire... no matter what, it's a shame not to shop when we're already in Korea like this."

"Valene is really a bad influence for you," said Andrew casually.

"What do you mean?"

"Initially, she was the one who invited us to Korea. Then, we almost got kicked out of the hotel. Now, she's the one who always takes you to shopping."

Nancy folded her arms over her chest and frowned at her husband.

"What's the matter with Valene?" Nancy asked in surprise.

"I have no problem with her."

"Then don't keep criticizing Valene. To be honest, I'm really happy to be traveling to Korea."

"Oh yeah, that's your dream, which is affected by Valene too," said Andrew.

Nancy stood up and her face flushed.

"I tell you what, I've been wanting to go to Korea for a long time, even before I told Valene."

"Oh, I just found out about that."

(English ver) A Winter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now