A Winter Story Part 1

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"KOREA! I'VE BEEN IN KOREA!" screamed Valene.

No doubt, people who are busy milling around with their airport routines (as usual people who are in a hurry and carry a lot of luggage; either going on a plane or getting off a plane; from tired faces to annoyed faces) watch the girl who is screaming in this unknown language. But Valene is not alone. Behind her, stumbling a little with her big purple suitcase, Nancy chased after Valene. Both of them are now breathing deeply as if the air here is different from their home country, Indonesia. Far behind them, carrying a large brown suitcase and a matching colored backpack, Andrew, shook his head to see the behavior of his wife and her best friend in-life-and-death.

"It's a shame," Andrew sneered.

"We have to take photos! Upload in the first minute!" suggested Valene.

"That's right. We'll just take a picture there," Nancy said.

Nancy stands in front of a large sign that reads INCHEON AIRPORT in various languages. Valene ran toward Andrew and handed the expensive cellphone to the man's hand.

"Please take a picture of us, a good one," Valene said.

Andrew just nodded nonchalantly while taking photos of the two women.

"Already?" Nancy asked confused.

"I did."

"Let me see," Valene said, reaching out to take her cellphone.

Valene and Nancy huddle to see the photos. It turned out that the large inscription INCHEON AIRPORT in Korean were can't be seen at the results of the photo.

"Well... this is not satisfying," Nancy protested.

"Yes, Drew, do it again," Valene demanded, handing her cellphone into Andrew's hand again.

"The good one," ordered his wife.

Protest without a sound, Andrew returned to take photos for them. In his heart, he regretted why he had to approve this holiday. It all started from two months ago.


"Nancy, you have been married for almost half a year, but you still don't have a honeymoon plan with Andrew?" Valene asked, eating delicious kimbap.

"I don't know... you know my working hours... I just got the year-end holiday. Andrew is also still busy preparing to open the cafe," Nancy replied, taking the kimbap from the same plate.

"But the honeymoon is necessary for you. You only get married once in your life."

"Besides, we haven't discussed where we want to go yet."

"Ah, I know! How about Korea?"


"Two of you also like Korea. It will become a good place to go, right?"

"But I don't think Andrew will agree. You know, it's not cheap."

"Hmmm... I'm sure Andrew wants if you can persuade him in the right way."

"I'm still not sure..."

"Oh, come on, Nancy..."

"I know. You definitely want to go too right?"

"Of course. Where else can you get a free guide? Well even though I've never been to Korea... at least I'm not illiterate."

"The terms and conditions?"

"Just pay me a plane ticket is enough."

Nancy narrowed her eyes suspiciously. But the prospect of going to Korea in winter seems to inspire her too.

"All right. How to persuade him?" Nancy asked, putting on a serious face.

Then Valene, the girl with 1000 ideas shared her idea...

Andrew shook his head once more.

"Here you are."

"Let me see!!!" Valene takes her cellphone cheerfully.

"Wow, this is a great photo!" said Nancy.

"Now I want to upload. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter... we get free Wi-Fi that is super fast, very good!"

"You guys are so tacky..."

Andrew waited patiently while the two women were busy taking photos here and there.

"How much longer do I have to stand here waiting for you guys?" Andrew asked, after about half an hour standing.

"Oh, let's go to the hotel first! We need to find a taxi. You wait here," pleaded Valene.

Nancy carried Valene's suitcase and stood motionless with Andrew.

"Are you sure, Valene can speak Korean?" Andrew asked.

"She can... but I don't know how good it is. At least she's right, she's not illiterate."

Shortly thereafter, Valene returned with a ticket.

"Come on, the taxi is ahead. We're going to the Avatar Hotel in Jongno-gu. It shouldn't be too far from here," Valene explained, "about an hour away."

"Alright. Come on."

The three left Incheon Airport and boarded a taxi that had been waiting for them. Actually it wasn't only Andrew who was worried about the language knowledge their guide had, but actually Nancy too. Nancy knows Valene has been self-learned Korean for the past 5 years and has had tutors for the past 2 years. But when they boarded the taxi and it seemed that the taxi's ahjussi understood "muttered language" (Andrew called it like that) which Valene said flatly, it seemed that Andrew and Nancy's concerns were groundless.


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