A Winter Story Part 16

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At 6 pm that night, Valene looked at her reflection in the big mirror. She pulled the hem of her dress down as best as she could, but it seemed like a waste. Her weight seems to have gained since she was in Seoul (blame the food that suit Valene's taste) so the dress she wears is too sticky on her body. Fortunately, she can still wear thick stockings on her feet while wearing the pink boots (which are definitely unused in Indonesia but she bought anyway). Her pink dress has a pretty low neck and Valene nervously watches if her cleavage shows, and finally desperately wraps Kyungju's black scarf around her neck.

"Ah, why don't I return it, even though yesterday I washed it already... but never mind."

Actually Valene didn't want to wash the scarf because there was Kyungju's smell there, but the black scarf looked dirty because she often used it and finally washed it yesterday. She only felt safe when she wrapped the scarf around her neck. Valene tied her long hair in half and draped it over her shoulders, then took out a thick, clean white jacket to protect herself from the cold Seoul air. A moment later, Nancy walked in, wearing a brown dress that looked very sexy to her, in a skirt that was shorter than Valene's. She also protected herself with a matching jacket, but without a scarf.

"I told you that dress would be good for you," said Nancy.

Of course it's only Nancy will give something pink to Valene who likes green.

"It's too sexy, you know. And why do I have to wear clothes like this? You're the main character tonight, right?"

"Yes, how come you want to go to the bar with a t-shirt?"

"That's right."

"Let's go, I guess he was there too."

The "he" Nancy meant was of course Yoonsung. Valene walked hand in hand with Nancy, feeling very miserable. She didn't know what kind of strategy to think about if Nancy and Andrew still didn't want to be good again after this. The person in Valene's mind was sitting on the sofa playing games on his cell phone. His attention was piqued when he saw the two women exiting Valene's room.

"Where are you going?" asked Andrew in a piercing tone.

"You don't need to know!"

This time Andrew didn't bother to argue with Nancy. But Valene felt the door open and close about 5 paces behind them; So Valene's guess was right, Andrew followed them. Valene is still trying to keep her pace with Nancy's longer legs, and she struggles a little with the heels of her boots which she also needs to use it to hit the three centimeter pile of snow. They walked steadily towards the bar which was across the street after they had walked about 10 minutes away. This is the first time in Valene's life to walk into a bar and her ears are immediately greeted with a frenetic sound of music: house music in Korean. No lights were on but a colorful disco light that left Valene in a daze. A security guard blocks Valene and Nancy's path.

"Sorry, miss, please show your identity card," asked the security guard.

"What did he say?" Nancy asked, confused.

"He wants to see our ID cards," Valene replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Me?" Nancy asked in English, confused, pointing her nose.

In broken English, the security guard answered Nancy, shaking his head.

"Not, you."

The security guard pointed to Valene. Half confused and offended, Valene showed him her passport. The security guard looked closely at Valene's passport and face before letting them in.

"He thinks I'm not 17 yet, does he?"

"Be grateful it means your face can lie to your age," laughed Nancy, muffled by the sound of music.

There were so many people there, even Valene was worried that she wouldn't be able to meet Nancy if separated from her. Nancy seemed to think the same way because she was gripping Valene's hand tightly.

"Where's Yoonsung?"

"Wait, I'll see the cellphone first."

Just as Valene took her cellphone from her purse, she saw a glimpse of a shadow of a person waving at them from across the room. It was Yoonsung, although it was a bit vague, his blonde hair couldn't lie Valene's eyes. Valene pulled Nancy to Yoonsung, and apparently the circular sofa in which Yoonsung sat could only accommodate about 4 people.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Valene asked half shouting.

"No, I just arrived five minutes ago," Yoonsung replied.

Nancy sits between Yoonsung and Valene. While Yoonsung and Nancy started chatting, Valene looked at the menu using the light from her cell phone.

"Just order. I'll buy."

"What is it Yoonsung? How can that be!" exclaimed Valene.

"It can be. Seriously, just order noona. Or do you want me to recommend?"

Before long the small table in front of them was filled with bottles, glasses and a large bowl of ice cubes. Valene happily tasted one drink after another that Yoonsung ordered, which turned out to be almost all of which Valene really liked. Nancy only dared to drink a little because of her low alcohol tolerance. Valene hiccupped and drank the mineral water that had also been ordered.

"Very delicious!" said Valene, licking her lips.

"Nancy, come on let's dance!" invite Yoonsung.

"What? But I can't dance!"

"Come on, just follow the rhythm!"

Yoonsung started to grab Nancy's hand.

"Hey guys, I'll go to the restroom first okay?"

"Okay, hurry back noona!" Yoonsung remind her.

Through a small signboard, Valene finally reached the toilet and her ears were free for a moment from the loud music.


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