A Winter Story Part 20

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When Valene visits Kyungju's apartment the next day, Kyungju looks serious in front of his laptop, in his studio. He just turned his head and smiled for a moment when he saw Valene enter.

"Annyeong noona, sorry I couldn't pick you up earlier," said Kyungju.

Valene notices Kyungju wearing glasses today.

"It is okay. You seem busy."

"Well, there are a few things I need to check, for the event in three days. Oh yes, sit here noona."

Valene takes the same work chair Kyungju is sitting on and pulls it next to Kyungju. Kyungju points to a small box wrapped in brown wrapping paper.

"What is this?"

"Just open noona."

Confused, Valene opened the small box by tearing the package lightly. The box almost falls out of Valene's hand when she sees it: the same cell phone as Kyungju has.

"That's my gift to noona. Now we have the same cell phone."

Kyungju takes out his cell phone and waves it at Valene. Valene opened the box and found the same cellphone, only the one that was still in the box was white colour.

"But... where's my cell phone?"

Valene leaves her broken cellphone with Kyungju who visited her this morning and hopes that someone at their place can fix it. Kyungju promises to update her cellphone on Valene tonight. So that's the reason Valene is in his apartment tonight, even though the main reason is of course to meet her new boyfriend.

"Our team gave up on fixing it, but they managed to save some unpacked data and your memory card."

Kyungju puts down a small memory card in front of Valene.

"Ah, what a shame, even though my cellphone is still new. Those damn men... And by the way this phone is too expensive!"

"Never mind, it's okay. Just take noona. I want to have something couple with you."

In Valene's mind, those couple items were t-shirts, key chains, or something like that, not so expensive as cell phones. But Valene knows it's pointless to argue with Kyungju, so what she does next is fiddle with the phone and take a few pictures of herself right away.

"Let's take a photo together," asked Valene as she put one arm around Kyungju's neck and pulled him closer.

Kyungju immediately puts on his signature grin when Valene pushes the button to take the photo.

"This is great, I like it!"

"Of course, it's because I'm handsome," says Kyungju, returning to his laptop screen.

"Why can you be narcissistic like this anyway? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Over time, Valene got bored too. She's tired of messing around with her cell phone, making instant ramyeon for Kyungju and breaking down his studio, but Kyungju is still busy. Finally Valene was curious too.

"What are you doing?" demanded Valene.

"Planning an event."

"Is planning events also one of your jobs?" Valene asked in surprise.

Kyungju takes off his glasses and turns to sit facing Valene.

"Actually, this is the story ..."

"Ah, Yoonsung, you finally came to work!" exclaimed Kyungju happily as soon as he walked into Song Hwejangnim's room, who was their grandfather.

Song Hwejangnim sat casually behind the large table, and Yoonsung (whose wounds were almost disappearing) sat across the table. Yoongsung turned his head and smiled at Kyungju. Kyungju immediately sat down on the empty chair next to him.

"What's wrong, haraboji? Looks like there is something really important, that Haraboji need to called us both?"

"You are quick on your feet, Kyungju. So this is it... haraboji think this is the right time for Haraboji to enjoy retirement."

"WHAT?" exclaimed Yoonsung and Kyungju together.

"But in my opinion, Haraboji is still very energetic to take care of the company. Why should you retire now?" Yoonsung asked in surprise.

"Have you forgotten this year Haraboji is 69 years old? Can't you let Haraboji enjoy his old age in peace?" Song Hwejangnim asked while raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"But who will replace Haraboji? Is Kwon Dongwook's son the bossy ahjussi?" screams Kyungju exaggeratedly.

Yoonsung nodded enthusiastically, completely agreeing with Kyungju's words.

"You guys are too much. Of course the ones who will replace my position are the two of you."

"WE?" shouted the two men once again united.

"Of course not both. There must be one of you sitting in this position."

"Of course hyong is more suitable, because he is more mature."

"That can't be, Yoonsung. Being older doesn't mean I can lead more. Isn't that right Haraboji?"

"Kyungju is right," replied Song Hwejangnim, "that's why I will have a competition among you."

Kyungju and Yoonsung look at each other. The two of them really know their grandfather who is still very energetic with his quite quirky personality. Kyungju has a feeling they will be given a pretty tough, or maybe, weird competition.

"So I want you to promote Sineo J07, which sales are just so-so. I want this product to sell as many as possible in a day."

That doesn't seem too difficult, Kyungju thought.

"With the lowest possible budget."

"Wh... what? So we have to sell on the side of the road by screaming, haraboji?" Yoonsung asked in disbelief.

"If that's your strategy, just run it. I want this event to run on the 6th. The results will be seen on that very day, at 6 pm. Right then we will determine who will sit in my position."

"The 6th? But that means 3 more days, haraboji!" screams Kyungju in disbelief.

"Oh yes, it is in 3 days. And I want to see your plans, tomorrow, written," added Song Hwejangnim.

"Tomorrow?" Yoonsung asked weakly.

"Oh yes, tomorrow. At 9 am the report should be on my desk," said Song Hwejangnim with a light laugh.

"Song Haraboji seems quirky huh..."

"He is very quirky. Well, that's what I'm working on now," explained Kyungju.

"With the lowest budget... and what about the employees? How many can be brought?"

"Only 6 people including me have to go to the field," Kyungju replied.

Valene frowned and was thoughtful.

"I think I have an idea!"

"Is it true? What's that idea?" Kyungju asked excitedly.

"I think this is..."


(English ver) A Winter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now