Chapter Twenty-Six

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I had always thought that Grant Black was my only option. Our strings had been attached for as long as I could remember. Even with an ocean between us my string remained a vibrant red. Apart of me knew that if I ever returned home that it would never work. 

Grant and I are just to different. 

None of that mattered though. I had Seoul. He was the only man that I would ever need in my life. 

It wasn't until I met Jackson that I realized how wrong that I was. Seoul needs a father. He needs someone to teach him what the qualities of a good man are. He needs someone that he respect. 

I needed someone to teach me what true love is.

Love isn't cruel isolation. Love doesn't force you to take on a role long before your time. Love isn't living in fear. 

Love is patient and kind. Love is courageous and honorable. Love is accepting and forgiving. 

I have never been loved by any person other than my son. 

Jackson changed all of that. 

Seoul and I have spent the past few days following Mitilda around while she completed her alpha duties. As for the others they have been busy with task of their own. 

I watch Seoul as he tediously draws on a thick piece of paper with a ink pen. He is doing his best to hide whatever he is working on with his  elbows. 

I glance up to see that Mitilda is  scribbling away at her stacks of paperwork. 

The silence is deafening.

Its been four days since Jackson and I mated. I haven't seen him since and I am worried. His wolf is either holding him hostage or he has been injured. 

It makes my heart hurt to think about it. 

I miss him. 

I can't let it show. I can't let my son see how scared I am. I have to put  a brave face. I have to act normal.  

Which is really hard to do. 

I glance up at Mitilda just to see that her eyes have glazed over. She abruptly stands up and runs out of her office.

Should I follow? I wonder what's going on? Are we under attack? 

I have no skills that would be beneficial in a fight.  I would just get in the way. 

I sigh and slide back in my chair. My eyes start to water. I squeeze my eyes closed trying to keep the waterfall at bay. 

"Rin." Mitilda said softly. 

I look at her through blurry eyes. The tears that I desperately tried to hold back slide down my cheeks. 

"Someone is here to see you."  She says. I nod and wipe my eyes, no doubt smearing the little make up that I do wear. 

I motion for Seoul to follow but Mitilda motions for him to sit back down. My eye brows pull together. Why can't he come with me? 

"Your visitor is out in the hall." She said her voice is void of all emotion. She opens the oak office door, steps to the side and motions for me to step outside into the hall.  

The hall is just as quiet as Mitildas office. I look up and down the small corridor just to see that all of the doors are shut. Not a person in sight. 

Why would she tell me that someone is here when there isn't? 

A low growl pulls my attention down towards the floor. A large sandy blond wolf sits back on its haunches about two feet in front of me. His crystal blue eyes meet mine just as he drops a large bird at my feet. 

Rin ScottOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora