Chapter Twenty-Nine

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One thing that I admire about Mitilda is that she holds a high ranking status and acts normal. No one is better than her. She treats everyone equally and holds everyone to the same standards. She doesn't hold meetings in an office. She holds meetings over breakfast.  She doesn't bark orders she ask for ideas. I trust her with my life. Seeing the person that you trust explicitly walk into the house carrying an arm full of long barreled guns makes that faith waiver just a little bit.

"Hey guys. I am sorry for running late to the meeting that I called." Mitilda said laying the guns carefully down on the coffee table. I instinctly put myself in front of Seoul.

"What is the meaning of this Mitilda?" Alpha Foster demanded. His eyes darkened and his fist are balled up at his side.

"Werewolves don't use guns. Werewolves don't posses guns." Dean growled looking at the table.

"Calm down sir! I'm sure Mitilda has her reasons." Neve said hoping to ease the alphas concerns.

"We have confiscated these from hunters over the past few years. Now I am hoping that we can repurpose them to benefit our cause." Mitilda starts,

"Don't you think that you are being a little insensitive?" Jackson growled.

"Maybe I am but this would give us the upper hand when we attack Verners compound. No one is going to expect it and no one will know how to react. I am hoping that it will be a big enough surprise that half of Verners forces will stand down."  Mitilda explained. 

"You are aware that if the council finds out you can be investigated." Dean barked.

"If the council cared they would have put a stop to both Daniel and the witch." Mitilda seethed.

"You can't be serious!" Dean growled.

"No, she has a point." Alpha Foster said.

"Rin, baby breath." Jackson whispers in my ear. I let out the breath that I had been holding but my eyes didn't stray from the high caliber weapons on the table. Guns don't kill people. People kill people and the people around me know nothing about gun safety. One wrong move and someone could end up badly injured or worse dead. 

"How do you plan on teaching the wolves that are willing to use a gun how to use it safely and effectively?" Alpha Foster challenged.

"I am hoping that Rin will teach us. She sold guns on the streets while living in Korea. To sell effectively you have to know your product." Mitilda shrugs. I can feel my blood pressure rising. I start to sweat. My stomach twist into a knot. Anger courses through my veins. 

"How dare you make what I was having to do to survive sound like a day job. Guns give you the power over life and death. You don't pick up a gun and point it at someone unless you plan to use it. They aren't meant to use to manipulate someone. They aren't toys nor are they a trump card." I yell feeling the hot tears stream down my face. 

"Mommy you need to breath normally." Seoul said hugging my leg. I squat down and engulf my son in a hug. We survived that day, Seutig didn't. We escaped that life Seutig didn't.

"Alpha Mitilda, I respect you and what you are trying to do but I refuse to expose my mate to something that she clearly has worked very hard to get away from. You and I both sat together and listened to her story. None of what she shared with us was meant to be exposed as publicly as you have done nor was it an invitation to ask for favors. You as an alpha should understand confidentially." Jackson said. His tone indicated his anger but he never raised his voice. He was respectful.

"Is this true Mitilda?" Alpha Foster demanded. 

"Dad I..." Mitilda started but fell short.

"Meeting adjourned!" Alpha Foster yelled. I watch through bleary eyes as everyone files out of Mitildas house. After everyone of a lower status had cleared the house Alpha Foster pulled Mitilda outside leaving the three of us alone. 

Rin ScottDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora