Chapter Thirty-Two

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Despite expressing my feeling to the two people that have made my life nothing short of a living hell I don't feel better. I let my anger get the best of me. Then used it to manipulate them to get the results that I wanted. I didn't do it for the right reasons. I should have done it at a different time with out an audience. 

"Mommy are you okay?" Seoul asked. 

"Yeah, I'm just tired baby. Mommy is tired of all of the fighting." I admit. 

"Once, its over can everyone be happy again?" He asked. 

"Maybe. There is a chance that a lot of people will get hurt." I explain. 

"The good guys always win." Seoul declared. 

"What do you want to do when this has all been settled?" I ask. 

"Hmm." He says cocking his head to the side. 

"I want to go eat buengo-ppang with Mr.Jackson and Ba Ba." He says. 

"What do you think Ba Ba would think of Jackson?" I ask chuckling at his answer. 

"Ba Ba will love Mr. Jackson because you love Mr.Jackson." He says. 

"Ba Ba is probably mad at me." I admit. 

"It will be okay mommy." Seoul says wrapping his arms around my neck. 

"What are you two talking about?" Jackson asks.

"Would you ever want to go to Korea?" I ask turning my attention to him. My question seems to take him by surprise.  I know that I had mentioned introducing him to Ba Ba over video chat but never anything more than that. 

"Like to visit?" He asks. 

"Yeah, I asked Seoul what he wanted to do once this was over." I start. 

"What did he say?" Jackson asks, curiosity dances across his features. 

"He wants to eat snacks with you and Ba Ba." I say offering a small smile. 

"What do you want to do when this is over?" Jackson asks. 

"I already told you what I wanted to do." I say. 

"I know that you want to get married and I know that you want Seoul to become my child legally. That is all stuff that we can do here." He starts. 

"So?" I ask. 

"What I am asking is do you want to stay here in Colorado once this is over?" He ask. 

"I know that I should have talked to you first before asking Grant to relieve you of your Gamma position." I start. 

"Rin, what is your heart telling you?" He says cutting me off. 

"I want to go visit my family in Korea and let them know that we are okay." I admit. 

"And then what?" He asks. 

"I would like to get to know the family that I never had." I admit thinking about Deans offer. 

"Then that is what we will do." He says giving me a peck on the lips. 

"Are you okay with that?" I ask. 

"I would follow you to the ends of the earth." He says. His blue eyes show nothing but sincerity and adoration. 

"I love you so much." I say with a wide grin on my face. 

"Where is everyone?" I ask changing the subject. 

"Well, thanks to you we now have Dragon Blood warriors on their way over to assist us. Grant decided to leave Blake and Addison where they are. So, he has some type of defense for his territory." He explains. 

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