Chapter Ten

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The second the alphas said things like "Rin" "Your still alive" and "Mate" everyone started talking over each other. 

I prop my back against the Durango. Seoul cocks his head and watches them argue. He is clearly trying to figure out what they are going on about.  

"Everyone quite! Everyone who is beta status or higher meet me in my office! We will continue our conversation" Grant yelled forcing every wolf under an alpha rank into submission. 

"Come on this way." Addison said motioning for me to follow. 

I look around and its clear that I'm not on Dragon Blood territory. This must be Grants territory. It looks exactly the same that it did since the last time that I was here. Victorian style, dark woods and dark fabrics. 

Grants office looked more like a conference room. A huge mahogany table sat in the middle of the room. Black computer chairs only elbow width apart from each other. Every high ranking official took there seats before I awkwardly sat down. 

Seoul leaned back into my chest. His arms crossed over his chest. He looks like he is strictly business. No bull shit strictly business.

"Alright, I want to know exactly what the hell is going on?" Grant growled scanning the room. 

"I had a dream about her and the child. The moon goddess said that they had a gift that no other being had. They are the only ones capable  of stopping Alpha Verner." Addison said being the first one brave enough to talk. 

"How do you know the girl?" Grant asked turning his attention to Ash and a now mature looking Sam. 

"She was in the packs prison at the same time I was." Sam said answering for Ash. 

"I believe I asked your alpha Luna." Grant said emphasizing the word Luna. 

"Sam spent more time with her than I ever did. I carried her off of pack territory and into allied territory but that sums up our time together." Ash explained.

"Why had she been put in prison?" Blake asked.

"I don't know. The only time he ever spoke to me was to try to get me to fool around with his betas daughter." Ash growled. 

"I don't know what he told her behind closed doors. I do know that she was a child probably around twelve years old. He used her like an old sock, beat her like a punching bag and threw her back in a cell naked. She never cried. She never screamed and she never plead for her life." Sam passionately explained.  

"So, the boy?" Grant asked. 

"Is my half brother." Ash confirmed. 

"So, she is Alpha Verners first?" Grant asked. 

"Yes." Sam and Ash confirmed. 

I glance around the table to see that every one here is with who the moon goddess had paired them with. Even my brother the ladies man is all hearts for his partner. 

I don't see Mitilda here. Is she not with them? 

"Momma who are you looking for?" Seoul asked as the room falls silent. 

"Do you speak english?" Grant asks, his tone soft as he addresses me almost as if he never knew who I was.

I nod my head but my mouth makes no effort to move. I haven't spoken in so long my body doesn't cooperate when I want to.

"She never spoke during her time with us. Not while she was in prison. Not to the nurse who treated our wounds and not to the alpha whose territory we were on." Sam said speaking on my behalf. 

"I personally believe that what she experienced broke her even if she doesn't show outward signs of it." Sam continued. 

Grants eyes met mine. I didn't feel the need to look away. I'm not afraid of him. I look down at my pinky. The red string glowed. A sign of acceptance. 

I'm nobody. 

"Your not. Your special." The voice whispered.  

"Everyone is dismissed! We will reconvene later." Grant declared, dominance leaking from his aura. 

I wanted to take my son and leave the room. I don't want to be alone with him but I don't know where to go. 

Once everyone has cleared out, Grant crossed the room and took a seat on the conference table in front of me.

He is so close to me yet respecting my unspoken wishes. 

"Where have you been Rin?" He asks his voice betraying his strong aura. His beautiful features showed the sadness he had been keeping deep inside. 

"When I finished special training, I wanted to see you. I didn't know why. After the ceremony I looked for you. No one but Finn had noticed that you were missing. Your family looked for a couple of days before giving up. We learned a lot about you while we searched." Grant said smiling fondly. 

"Your locker at school was packed full of manga. Everyone spoke very highly of you. There was one thing that surprised us. Do you know what that was?" Grant asked glancing at me. 

I could play the Koto. I had won many awards but I never thought anything of it.

"You taught yourself how to play a Japanese string instrument. Your principle gave us dvds of your performances. Your very talented." Grant said flashing his pearly whites. 

I feel my cheeks heat up and turn my face away. I don't want him to see the emotions his kind words bring out. 

"Listen, I know what your thinking. A wolf of my status should have a strong she wolf as luna but everything makes since now. I was meant to be here with you. I accept every part of you." He says looking between Seoul and myself. 

What do I do?

"Accept him. I have a plan for you." The voice whispered. 

I place my shaky hand over his and offer him a smile. 

I accept you too. 

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