Chapter Fifteen

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Trudging through the woods with a werewolf and a five year old isn't easy. No scratch that trudging through the woods with a werewolf and a five year old as a human isn't easy. My stamina isn't as great. Despite walking the streets of Icheon to get to anywhere that we needed to go this is rough. 

Jackson abruptly stops and looks around rather frantically. He must hear something that I don't. I hold my breath and try to quite my now pounding heart. 

Please don't be a rogue. 

Please don't be a rogue.

"Gamma Jackson I believe our alpha told you she wasn't interested in allying with your alphas. You need to leave!" A man said. His voice is loud, he isn't an alpha but his voice alone shows that he holds status.

I had no clue that Mitilida was this close. She's basically Grants next door neighbor. 

Does that mean Verners pack is further away or is everyone on top of each other?

I look around to see that we are surrounded. Her warriors growl there wolves are ready to fight to protect there land and most importantly there alpha. 

"Listen, we mean no harm. The human girl beside me has had dealings with Alpha Mitilda before and wishes to speak to her. We need her help." Jackson pleaded as he took a protective stance in front of us. 

The man peered around Jackson just to catch a glimpse of Seoul and myself. I'm assuming to verify his story but he should have known that just by my scent unless the sleeping alpha wrapped around my waist shields my normal scent. 

After a few moments of silence I hear foot steps. I can only assume that they belong to the one and only Alpha Mitilda. 

"What's going on here?" She asks demanding an explanation. 

"Gamma Jackson is here claiming that he has a human who you are familiar with. They are asking for your help." The man says. 

"I've only ever dealt with one human." She starts. I reach forward and nudge Jacksons side and signal for him to step to the side. 

"Jackson I don't know what your trying to pull."  She growls. He looks back at me his face showing his hesitation but after a few moments he steps to the side. 

When Mitildas eyes met mine her mouth closes. Her demeanor changes drastically. Her eyes soften and she takes on normal posture. There is no trace of hostility.

She hasn't changed at all. She doesn't look like she has aged a day. The string on her finger remains unchanged. She still hasn't met her mate.

"Rin." She whispers 

"Do you know this human?" The man gesturing towards us. 

"Yes. I will escort them to my house. We have much to discuss." She said motioning for us to follow her. 

The thing that I liked about her territory was how rustic it is. Nothing looks modern. They don't need advanced technology. They spend time together. They train together. They do bonfires and runs. They have nothing to prove to anyone. They are happy. 

Mitilda stopped in front of a small cabin. It was built with oak that was polished off with a dark finish. It has simple windows and a cute red door. 

She ushers us inside and closes the door. The inside of her house is simple. Polished floors, red leather furniture a fuzzy black rug and a fire place. There isn't a TV. Only books and nature. 

"Do y 'all want  anything to drink?" Mitilda asks. Jackson glances at me and I shake my head. She nods and gestures towards the couch. I take a seat and lay Seoul out on my lap. I stretch and listen to my joints pop. 

"Alright tell me what's going on?" She starts. 

"The members of the resistance are acting weird." Jackson starts.

"Define weird?" She asks raising an eye brow. 

"Grant identified Rin as his mate the second that he seen her. He claimed to  have spent a large amount of time searching for her but none of us had heard anything about it. We had no clue who she was." Jackson pauses.

Mitilda gestures for him to continue.

"Blakes mate Addison started accusing him of cheating. She said that she felt his affair. Just as she was about to reject him Rin intervened. She grabbed there bond and attempted to pull something off of it. Addison hit her, knocking her unconscious and Grant didn't bat an eye. He didn't go to her. He didn't mind link the pack doctor. Her child stood over her and tried to protect her while she was unconscious." Jackson rants. 

Mitilda sits with an unreadable expression but once again gestures for him to continue.

"Grant has had many partners over the years. One he even got pregnant but she disappeared before  anyone outside of us high ranking officials found out. I just don't understand how he can be mated to another women and claim Rin. No scratch that I don't understand any of this." Jackson says as he waves his arms around. 

"Alright so first let me address Rins gift. She can see the string that connects us with our partners. The string is suppose to look a certain way. So, she knew that something was wrong with  Addison and Blakes string. I'm going to assume that she fixed it and they went on about there business?" She asked. 

Jackson nodded. 

The issue with Grant is simple. If what you say is true and he did impregnate a wolf he had to have went through the proper mating ritual. When he did that though he formed a bond with his new mate but never rejected Rin. That explains his behavior. 

"Does that mean she will be mateless?" Jackson asked 

"Absolutely not. The moon goddess will take care of her. She will have someone who is more than prepared to love her and her child." Mitilda assured him.

I look at the string attached to my pinky and its black.  All it needs is the formal words. I have to reject the bond and it goes away. 

I Rin Scott reject Alpha Grant Black as my mate. 

Rin ScottOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant