Chapter Thirty-Six

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I don't know how long we have been running but I had to stop to catch my breath. My heart feels like it is doing cart wheels in my chest. My breathing is fast and ragged. My legs are on fire and ache due to the lack of exercise. Not to mention the added weight of carrying a five year old.

"We have to find some where to hide." Keegan said glancing around the forest.

"I'm not leaving them there." I say in-between heavy breaths.

"Did you not hear what they said? Run like hell? Go with them protect them?" Keegan angerly whispers.

"I refuse to sit back and let Daniel Verner make everyone here a victim. Enough is enough." I say matching his aggression.  I watch his anger evaporate leaving nothing but defeat. He is torn between what he was told to do and what he wants to do. 

"We are severely outnumbered. We have no high ranking wolves with us to handle the physical fighting. We have no weapons. On top of all of that we have two handicaps. We have a child that we have to ensure the safety of and your pregnant." Keegan says quickly going over our situation. 

"Keegan you were a gamma use your brain! What is our first move?" I demand.  

"Uh, they were forcing everyone to go stand with their alphas." He says tripping over his words. 

"Why?" I ask. 

"They were trying to figure out which pack you have joined. Which means they are going to hold everyone hostage until they figure out which one." He says sounding satisfied with his decison.

 "Alright, what do we do?" I ask.

"Well, since we are out numbered we can't physically fight. So, we are going to need a large amount of fire power and the element of suprise." He concluded.

My mind instantly drifts to the wolvesbane weapons we had created but using biological warfare with a bunch of innocent pack members near by doesn't seem ideal. Much to my distain the other option would be to use the high powered rifles that Mitilda had seized. No one would see it coming but is it worth the risk.

"What are you thinking?" Keegan asks looking at me with eyes full of curiosity. 

"Guns. Going back to Mitildas house to get the guns and then getting as close as we can to the training field." I start.

"Then, lighting our enemy up?" He ask. I just nod confirming his thoughts.

"I'm not for it and I know that your not either but do we have another option?" Keegan ask sighing.

"I really don't want to expose all of the innocent people to biological warfare but we could use one of the flash bombs." I offer.

"Alright, then we have  the start of a plan but our top priority is your safety. If I were on the other end of this my first orders would be to track your scent." He says as he pulls his t-shirt over his head.

"This should help mask your scent." He says handing me the shirt. I awkwardly take the shirt and slip it over my head. It swallows' me whole, even to the point that it covers the jean shorts I am wearing. 

"Alright lets move." Keegan orders. 

We start stealthy moving through the thick forest pausing at even the smallest sound. Eventually we could see Mitilda's cabin. 

"Where did they go?" One of the goonies yelled. 

"Find them." The other growled. 

"I can't pick up her scent." One said frustrated. 

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