Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The sight of a fellow werewolf die by a bullet is enough to send everyone into a panic enemy or not. The group frantically looked around trying to pin point the location that the shot came from. While Greene's goonies took to searching the woods. This works in my favor. I'll pick them off one by one.

"Everyone calm down! Now!" Verner roared. Everyone froze in fear forgetting who the real enemy is. Right now this AR 15 is scarier than anything Daniel Verner is capable of.

"My men will find the hunter and kill them no problem.  Lets focus on the real issue here. All of you know where the mother of my child is and no one seems to want to talk." He said redirecting every ones attention back to him.

Why didn't they take advantage of the cachous? 

Why did they hesitate?  

"Lucia, can you tell me which one of these fuckers she has mated with?" He asked. 

"I can look at the strings and I can block the strings but I don't know what the colors stand for. I don't know how to tell who is mated to who unless there partner is standing next to them." She explains. 

"Witches are useless when it comes to things like this." Willow chimes in. 

"Then use mind control. I don't care I just want him dead." Verner said. 

"You are wasting your time. The person that you are truly mad at is me. I rejected the high ranking female that the Moon Goddess gift because I fell in love with a man." Ash said as he pulled himself up off of the ground. 

"Your a disappointment." Verner said walking over to his son and kicked him in the side. Ash let out a loud gasp as the air left his lungs. 

"Daniel, I'm sorry that my rejection has haunted you for as long as it has but I can't help that I fell in love with Christopher." Dana said apologizing for her past mistakes. 

"How many people have you hurt because you are mad at me?" Ash asked. Daniels face softened for a second but anger quickly replaced it. He picked up Ash and started shaking him. 

"Leave him alone." Dana yelled but remained in her current position. 

He has to die. 

I just need the shot. 

Suddenly, a mahogany colored wolf emerged from the trees and onto the field. All eyes went to the wolf but Verner didn't seem to notice until it was too late. All, that I could see is blood but Daniel is still thrashing around. 

Everyone that could and was able sprung into action to help the wolf who was fighting the rogue alpha but none the less were too weak. Verner broke free a bloody mess, his fore arm appears to be hanging by a thread and claw marks cover his face. 

Even through the blood I can see that his eyes have significantly darkened. The familiar sounds of bone cracking fills the air. He is going to shift. 

"Seoul cover your ears."  I whisper to my child. He presses his palms flatly against his ears. It may muffle the sound but even in this situation I am worried about the hearing loss that this may cause down the line. 

I position the weapon and find Verner through the scope. He is disfigured his body is going through the transformation. The brown wolf is still trying to bite at him and get him down on the ground. If I fire now it will hit the wolf. 


Verner spins around and kicks the wolf sending him across the field. The wolf whimpers but refuses to stay down. He charges back at Verner just to get kicked again. 

Rin ScottWhere stories live. Discover now