Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I know that I owe them some type of explanation. While what I did was necessary it was out of character. I just don't want them to think any less of me. My life has been a series of unfortunate events with little rays of sunshine. The real world wasn't what I thought it would be.

"Rin?" Jackson softly says. His face shows his concern. He knows me well enough to understand that this is going to be a difficult conversation. At the same time, he is just as curious as Mitilda.

"When I got off of the plane and realized that I was in Korea. I knew that I was in trouble." I start

"I had no money, no food and no place to sleep. I didn't understand the language. I couldn't ask for help. Despite what I had experienced with Verner, I had no clue that their are people out there far worse than he is. I was naïve." I admit.

"A young guy who went by the name "Seutig" took an interest in me. He would bring me food or give me money to use the jimjilbang. While I was grateful that I was able to eat and take a hot bath. I didn't trust this guy.  I was worried that he was trying to lure me away so he could sell me to someone to pay off a debt or even worse into sex trafficking. It wasn't uncommon. Despite how reserved and button up Korea may seem it can be a very dangerous place." I stress.

"I could see why you were concerned. You were a foreigner." Mitilda empathized.

That was the least of my worries.

"I started showing around winter time. Once Seutig noticed that I was pregnant he made it his personal mission to come see me every day. He would bring me pastry's and tea. He would give me money for the bath house. He bought me a coat. He would even sit at the park and carry on one sided conversations with me. Seutig treated me like a sister which I appreciated. He never  pushed me to leave the area that I had set up camp in until it had been announced that the city was expecting a monsoon."  I continue.

"You went off with him because you wouldn't have survived the monsoon?" Mitilda asked.

"Did they not have homeless shelters?" Jackson asked.

"Fearing that I wouldn't survive the monsoon I went with him." I said confirming her suspicions.

"He lived in a really nice apartment. He gave me a room and told me to make myself at home. He never invaded my space. He didn't try to lavish me with expensive gifts. He didn't try to pry into my personal life. I gave him the same respect that he gave me. I didn't know anything about him and I was okay with that." I say shrugging.

"One day, he came into my room, handed me a wad of cash and told me to go out and have fun for a couple of hours. It was out of character for him but I tried not to read too much into it. I just assumed that he had a girl coming over and wanted some privacy. So, I took his money, went and got some street food. I checked out a couple of book stores and went to see a movie before heading back." I continue. 

"Then what happened?" Mitilda

"When I walked in the front door, there were six people standing around the table in the kitchen. When Seutig actually seen me walking through the house his eyes grew to the size of saucers. I have never seen this guy sport anything other than a smile but in that moment he was terrified." I explain. 

"I didn't understand why he was so fearful until he stepped away from the table. The guys that were circled around him looked rough. There had to be at least twenty guns sitting out for display." I pause. 

"Gun runners?" Jackson asked. 

"Yes, but they were just a small part to a bigger picture. Seutig owed them money and he was given a few options. One, he could trade me and my unborn child for the cost of his debt. Two, we could sell guns on the black market until his debt was paid off. Lastly option three, death. As you can expect we went with option two." I explain. 

Rin ScottHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin