Chapter Twenty-Four

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I felt at peace after playing the koto. It reaffirmed what I already knew. We will win this war. The real question is how much are we going to have to go through to get to the end? 

There are a few steps that we need to follow to end this

First, find the witch and either kill her or get her to release her spell. 

Two, team up with other packs and go raid Daniel Verners territory 

Lastly, find Dana and Chris Scott. They are the key to this whole mess. 

That's just the basic steps. 

There are a few things that I need to work out with in myself that would help guarantee our victory. 

One, regaining my voice. I need to find the confidence deep with in myself to talk. I need to be able to communicate with those around me. 

Accepting intimacy would be the second. Its been a little over five years since that happened. I have a mate. We are attached together by a red string. Jackson is a good man and deserves someone who can handle intimacy. He needs someone who can help him achieve his full power. I will be that person.

A added benefit of  being fully mated is that Jackson can claim Seoul as his own. Daniel Verner is Seouls biological father. If I bare Jacksons mark he can claim Seoul as his own severing Daniels rights to ever see his child. 

The jeep comes to a subtle stop as it retakes its original position in Mitildas driveway. Elixer and his mate hop out and circle around to unload the Koto. Jackson gently lifts Seoul off of my lap and drapes him across his shoulder. I climb out with my book in hand. 

"It looks like Dean has finally made it." Elixer said gesturing to the black motorcycle peeking out from behind a bush. 

I couldn't help but be curious. What is he like? Do I look like him? Do I look like my mother? Does he know why I was kidnapped?

I follow the men into the house using them as a shield. 

"Welcome back boys! Did you have fun?" Alpha Foster asked. 

"Yeah the strip mall was actually really neat. It was very ethnically diverse. Rin had made some long lasting connections with a few of the shop owners. The experience was amazing." Exliers mate said with a wide grin on his face. 

"Rin did you find you find what you needed?" Mitilda asked looking through Jackson. 

"The music store owner gave her the koto that she use to play." Jackson said. 

"I've never heard anything like it before." Elixer said. 

I peek around Jackson and see the man who should have been my father. He is well over six foot tall and looks unnaturally buff. His long black hair is slicked back exposing the scars that litter his chiseled face.

I don't see the resemblance. 

"Rin this is Dean Foster." Alpha Foster said gesturing to the tall man. When his eyes finally landed on me they filled with tears. 

"You look just like Sandra." He said wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. 

"That's what we were all kind of wondering. Why would Chris and Dana want your child?" Mitilda asked. 

"I was suppose to marry Dana but she was in love with Chris and I met Sandra shortly after high school. Couldn't it have just been a hospital mix up?" Dean asked shrugging. 

"Brother Its possible but I really doubt it." Alpha Foster said shrugging. 

"Everyone seems to be under the influence of a witch. She is putting something into the string that keeps mates from recognizing each other or they are rejecting each other flat out." Mitilda starts. 

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