𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐟 ❦ 𝐉𝐢𝐧

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Prompt: Y/N goes to the store to buy an RJ plush

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Prompt: Y/N goes to the store to buy an RJ plush. She ends up with something better than she could have anticipated.


I wonder where they keep those things...? Y/N thought as she walked through the Target doors.

She had come here in search of a stuffed animal, but not just any stuffed animal. She wanted RJ from BT21.

Y/N had adored the alpaca for years, slowly developing a soft spot for him. It was only natural that she acquired him in plush form. Heck, she wondered why she hadn't already.

After searching for about 10 minutes. Y/N decided to ask an employee for help.

"Excuse me, but do you guys have any BT21 plushes?" She politely asked. Y/N tapped her foot, secretly anxious to get her hands on her fluffy friend.

The employee put on their customer service smile, "If we had any they'd probably be over there." They pointed toward a shelf in the back of the store.

Y/N said her thanks before speeding toward the shelves. She came to a stop in front of them while skimming the leftover options.

Y/N noticed that there was only one RJ left on the shelf, much to her luck. She could've sworn that a godly light shone down on the single box. Without hesitation, she reached out to grab the stuffed animal.

The glorious moment was cut short when her hand collided with a larger (but equally as eager) hand. Y/N quickly retracted her hand and looked up at the person.

The stranger looked to be about her age. He had dark brown hair that was parted on the side of his forehead. The guy's eyes were wide, his plump lips parted in surprise.

He's kind of cute... Y/N thought. She internally smacked herself for thinking that, Apologize you idiot!!

"Um...sorry," she awkwardly started, "You can take it!" She tried to sound enthusiastic, but couldn't hide the disappointed gleam in her eyes.

The guy noticed, "No, you should take it!" He gestures toward the box, directing a small smile toward her.

"It's fine, you should have it," Y/N persisted.

"I insist," he pressed, "I have like twenty at home anyway." His eyes widened at that last statement. He started to whistle in mock obliviousness, acting like he didn't just admit that.

Y/N couldn't help but giggle at his antics. "Well, thank you....." she trailed off, not sure of his name.


"Thanks, Jin! I'm Y/N, by the way!" She extended her hand to him.

He looked her in the eyes and then his focus shifted to her hand. Blushing slightly, Jin shook her hand.

When they parted Y/N said, "I'm gonna go pay for this little guy. It was nice meeting you!" She turned to leave, but stopped at the sound of his voice.

"Wait! I, um, do you want to exchange numbers?" He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes darted around the store.

Y/N took a second to process the situation.

A cute guy just asked for my number.....HELL YEAH!!

She attempted to contain her excitement before replying, "Sure!"

They exchanged contact information before saying their goodbyes.

As soon as he was out of sight, Y/N fist pumped in the air.

First I get an RJ plush, and then I get Jin's number! Could my day get any better?!

It could.

She got a discount on the RJ plush.



I hope you enjoyed this Jin one-shot! The idea for this chapter is what inspired me to write this book in the first place!

I had fun writing a chapter about the love of my life.........

.......RJ 💜
I love Jin, but RJ is a sweetheart 😌

-Belle 🔔

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