𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡 ❦ 𝐉𝐢𝐧 & 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧

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Prompt: Y/N has a cozy Christmas with her loved ones

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Prompt: Y/N has a cozy Christmas with her loved ones.


The sound of crackling wood filled the small room as warmth spread through the air. The christmas tree that sat in the corner was alight. It provided the room with a cozy, familiar glow that only accompanied the holiday season. The bodies occupying the room rubbed their hands to rid them of the cold. Even with the fire and their thick quilts, they were still subject to the blistering cold.

The group talked in low voices, occasionally raising their volumes when something exciting was said. They sat on the carpeted floor, gathering around the fireplace like children to a campfire. Carefree laughter escaped their lips as if nothing was wrong in the world. The storm brewing outside was ignored by the jubilant little circle.

"I can't believe you forgot the hot chocolate," the boy sighed out in disappointment.

"I already a apologized a million times, Junie!" the girl justified to her little brother, "I don't know how else to defend myself."

"I don't even want to look at you, Y/N." Junie, or rather Yeonjun, looked away from his big sister with a dramatic huff. Ever since he was a kid, he tended to exaggerate little situations such as this. Knowing that he was just teasing, Y/N always played along.

"To be fair, the poor girl already had her hands full," another voice spoke up. "I'm not surprised that she forgot something little like hot chocolate."

"But it's not a little thing, Jin! That drink is my entire life," Yeonjun defended, unintentionally giving his sister's boyfriend a non-threatening glare. "Besides, it's not my fault that Y/N had to do her christmas shopping last minute."

"Do you know how mortifying that was?! I'll never go to the mall so close to christmas time again..." Y/N shivered in remembrance of her experience the previous day. At this, Jin cuddled closer to his girlfriend's body. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and brought her flush to his body.

Yeonjun's face morphed into a disgusted expression, "Can you two get a room or something?"

"What exactly happened at the mall, darling?" Jin asked the girl as he buried his face her kneck. Yeonjun simply huffed at being ignored.

Y/N's face was overcome with an embarrassed blush. She had alluded to what had happened, but was too humiliated to explain fully explain things to the boys.

Clearing her throat, she began retelling the story, "Well..."


December had arrived, and along with it came a flood of public holiday cheer. The sweet scents of candy cane and gingerbread greeted shoppers as they entered the large mall. "All I Want For Christmas Is You" obnoxiously vibrated through the speakers for likely the 15th time that day. Christmas displays were set up across the building, each adorned in reds and greens. Shoppers bustled through stores, using their adrenaline to carry 10 bags at a time.

Y/N was no exception as she struggled to walk with her bags. The girl hopped onto the escalator that would take her to the ground floor of the mall. She sighed in relief, glad to be done with her shopping. Yet, fate and destiny seemed to like giving her a hard time.

Suddenly, the bottoms of her bags gave out, spilling their contents onto the escalator. Y/N's eyes widened in anxiety has she watched the gifts slip away from her. In her shock, she didn't notice a certain item lodge itself into the escalator. The machine came to a sudden stop, causing the girl to jolt forward a bit.

Her eyes immediately found the culprit: one of the slides that she had bought for her friend, Jungkook.

The guy was pretty simple and easy to buy gifts for. Knowing that he'd probably die for a comfy pair of slides, Y/N immediately grabbed a pair for him.

Now, it was coming back to haunt her.


The two boys stared at the girl as she finished her story with a sheepish smile. They sat in silence for a moment before it was broken by Yeonjun's obnoxious laughter.

"Hey! Don't laugh at the hell I had to endure!"

"This what you call hell? This is a little different than the hell I know," Yeonjun fired back with an evil smirk.

"What does your 15-year-old-@ss know about hell?" Y/N deadpanned at her oblivious little brother.

"I know that Odi probably crawled up to earth from down there."

"Stop bringing Soobin's psychopathic hedgehog into every conversation!"

"I don't care, you can fight me, THAT THING IS DEMONIC-"


Yeonjun gasped, running a protective hand through his hair. It was black with blonde streaks adorning certain pieces.


Jin sat dumbfounded as the two argued and seemingly forgot about his presence. He began tracing shapes onto the back of Y/N's hand to sooth her annoyance. Sensing his actions, she took a deep breath.

"Go away, Yeonjun," Y/N said with a forced smile on her face.

"You know what? Fine, I'll go. But know that I'm a ten and everyone else here is an eight! Thank you for coming to my TED talk," Yeonjun yelled before marching out of the room.

The boy left the couple in silent confusion at his rant. Y/N leaned back into Jin's chest in relief, relishing in the warmth he radiated. "Jeez, I can't even talk about something embarrassing without that boy rubbing it in."

Jin nuzzled his nose into Y/N's hair, breathing in her calming scent. "The situation was out of your control, try not to worry about what that punk said," he reassured her with a teasing tone.

Y/N sighed in contemplation, "I suppose you're right..."

"Think about it like this... If we all gather our embarrassment together, it'll become confidence!"

"I swear, you sound like some kind of inspirational speaker."

Jin found himself absentmindedly smiling as Y/N's giggles met his ears.

"Only for you, Darling."

After that, the two sat in a comfortable silence. As they cuddled by the fire, a thought came to Y/N's head.

"Hey, Jin?"

Jin shifted the girl in his lap so he could look into her eyes.

"Yes, Y/N?"

"I love you."

Jin smiled at his girlfriend fondly, an adoring glint in his eyes.

"I love you, too."


I hope you all liked this chapter! It's just something soft for the holidays :)
I keep making Jin oneshots, and I also keep putting TXT into them ✋🏻 I'll try to get some more variety after this!
I'm just going to point out a bunch of references I made in this chapter:

- "This is a little different than the hell I know." -Taehyun

- "I think Odi is a psychopath." -Soobin

- "You honey bee!" -Yeonjun

- "Go away, Yeonjun." -Beomgyu

- "I'm a 10, everyone else is an 8." -Jin

- "Thank you for coming to my TED talk." -Huening Kai

- "If we all gather our embarrassment together, it'll become confidence." -Jin

I know most y'all are Armys, but I couldn't help myself with those TXT references 🤡

-Belle 🔔

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