𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ❦ 𝐉𝐢𝐧

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Prompt: Jin reflects on his life experiences

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Prompt: Jin reflects on his life experiences.


Seokjin lay awake in his bed, looking at the ceiling in a restless staring contest. There were certain nights where he wasn't able to lull his mind into a tranquil state. The man would toss and turn for hours, contemplating spontaneous thoughts that entered his mind.

The subjects of his thoughts varied as the nights continued to pass. One night he attempted to decipher the meaning of life, the next he thought about who created certain words. Last he recalled, he had thought about his purpose on Earth.

No matter the weight of the subject, Jin found himself wakeful each night. Not by choice, of course. The man was adamant that he got a proper amount of sleep each night. But, to his dismay, rest hadn't come easily for a while at that point.

Jin was fearful that his recent lack of sleep would interfere with his busy schedule. Unfortunately, his members seemed to have noticed his exhaustion as well. Not wanting to worry them, Jin had reassured them that he was alright. The other members decided to leave him be for now. Though, they all knew that something was amiss...

Including Jin.

As he came to different conclusions in the wee hours of the night, the man sensed a void; A piece that was missing. There had been something he wasn't considering and he knew it! That made the situation more frustrating for him.

On this night, his thoughts had settled on something he didn't think much about: the past. He thought back to his cluelessness when he first joined the group. Being a man who aspired to act, he had no prior knowlege on singing or dancing. Essentially, he had gone into the music industry blindly.

At first, he had been a bit closed off to the public. He felt strange truly opening up to thousands of people that he didn't know. He was grateful that they had shown him love, but things weren't that easy. Life wasn't that easy.

As their group continued to grow in popularity, they also faced new hardships. Jin faced struggle and burnout like he never had before. Self doubt lingered in his mind, and at times it was hard to remember the group's core value.

Love yourself.

When Seokjin felt his faith in himself waver, he was able to stay strong for a reason.

People were counting on him.

Their fans had grasped their message tightly and held it close to their hearts. He wanted to be someone they could look to for strength. He wanted to help them find their own self love. So, he pushed his insecurities behind him and tried to embrace himself little by little. As he did so, he became more open with his emotions as well.

But, most importantly, the other members relied on him. They needed him.

As Seokjin grew both as a person and an artist, they had been there. Every step of the way they were there to pick up the pieces. Though they seemed like an unlikely group, they had built their little family from the ground up.

As long as he had his brothers, everything would be okay. He would learn to love himself little by little without the fear of straying; He had the boys lead him down the path ahead.

As Jin layed in his bed, he felt the void in his mind gradually fill. He found it ironic that the key to the present had been the past. The man thanked destiny for the wonderful card it had dealt him.

His eyes became heavy and a soft smile grew on his lips. For the first time in a while, his mind granted him a peaceful rest a little past midnight.

Before his mind fully surrendered to darkness, he thought he saw his phone light up from his nightstand. Indeed, it had. Multiple messages popped up on his screen.

All of them read, "Happy Birthday".


I'm a bit late, but I'm here now! It's my second time celebrating Jin's birthday and I'm honestly over the moon right now. Jin is really self reflective, so I fleshed that out in this chapter. As always, I took inspiration from the real world while writing. I obviously don't know how Jin actually views himself, so take the chapter with a grain of salt. All I know is that he seems to underestimate himself at times (such as in his BE-hind interview when he was asked about his vocals). Last year Jin waited for B-day messages until 1 AM, so I had the members text him at the end of the chapter as a nod to that.

 Last year Jin waited for B-day messages until 1 AM, so I had the members text him at the end of the chapter as a nod to that

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Happy birthday, Seokjin! 💜
The first time I heard your voice, I unashamedly cried. The emotions in your voice have a vulnerability that's unique to you. Your voice is like a warm hug, embracing me and making me feel like everything will be alright. Whenever I begin to doubt myself, I listen to your music. It encourages me to accept my faults and move forward. Thank you for being someone I can look up to as a role model. I admire you for your humbleness and aspire to gain your level of maturity.

I love your personality, and how you can lift a situation with a single joke. Your smile brings me so much joy and warms my heart. Please, never underestimate any of your abilities or charm. You always try your best, and that's more than enough in my book. Just know that you're loved dearly and that you have value to others.

Thank you for being open about your struggles. I admire you for sharing them, despite how difficult it may be. You're only human, and it's important to remember that! Please, eat well and get a lot of rest! You deserve that much for all of the hard work you do each day.

Forever yours,

Forever yours,Belle

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What the hell is the song that he posted- holy shit, it made my day 💀
Also, this chapter is heavily unedited because I was rushing-

What the hell is the song that he posted- holy shit, it made my day 💀Also, this chapter is heavily unedited because I was rushing-

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