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Prompt: A girl is left at the mercy of her emotions, making her question her true purpose

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Prompt: A girl is left at the mercy of her emotions, making her question her true purpose.


Drifting. Swaying. Flowing with the wind. She is not rooted to one spot; she is not bound to any specific purpose.

She is stuck in a never ending cycle, all of her actions without a motive. They're simply done to survive. Not to say that she's struggling, at least not physically. It's survival more in the sense of life's basic functions. Eating, sleeping, attending classes, things of that nature.

Sometimes she is able to forget the void, filling it up with useless small pleasantries throughout her day. But when those things end, what's left?

An empty shell.

It leaves her feeling unmotivated and uncomfortable with herself. Disgusted at things that she normally doesn't think twice about. She doesn't quite know if this is normal.

Do most people encounter this lack of purpose? Do most people feel as though they're filled with distraught, wild emotion. Do most people feel their chests constrict no matter how many times they gasp for air?

If she had to define these odd emotions in one word, it would be: Lost. Feeling like everyone around you knows their goals, and themselves better than you ever will. Wondering if they ever fall into the same void you do.

The worst part being that you created the void yourself.

Or at least, it feels that way. Though, maybe it's just your warped mind convincing you of this.

But, just as this storm of emotions was about to hit the girl at full force... it didn't. Strangely, there was a shield blocking her from the impact.

A shield with really broad shoulders.

A shield in the form of a person.

She still remembers when he first fell into her life, shattering the negative emotions into tiny insignificant pieces.

It had been free period that day. She was walking down the halls, eyes filled with blatant emotions. She hated how easily others could read her face. The girl was never good at hiding her turmoil, afterall.

Seeking refuge, she quietly pushed open the door of the music room. She was fairly shocked to learn that someone was already occupying the area.

A figure sat at the piano, broad shoulders relaxed as he softly pressed the keys.

He looked oddly... peaceful.

The girl decided not to make herself known yet, curiosity winning over her anxiety. She watched as the boy began singing. Strong emotion was weaved through his every word, entrancing the girl with his genuinity.

But that wasn't even the most captivating part of the boy's song.

The girl felt her eyes well with tears as he reached the chorus.

"I'm the one I should love in this world
Shining me, precious soul of mine
I finally realized so I love me
Not so perfect but so beautiful
I'm the one I should love"

The way the boy was so selflessly able to treasure himself felt unreal to the girl. That level of acceptance seemed so far away from her, yet...

she wanted to experience that feeling for herself.

Without her even realizing, tears streamed down her face, his words touching her deeply.

As the boy reached the end of his song, he sensed a presence behind him. Alarmed by her labored breaths, he stiffened and swung around on the piano bench. His eyes widened as he took in the girl before him.

"Oh gosh... was my singing tHAT BAD?! HOLY CRACKERS-"

The boy stumbled over to her in concern, fully convinced that his little performance was terrible enough to give her some kind of mental breakdown. He had always been pretty confident, but maybe he was delusional when it came to his singing skills...

A million thoughts raced through his mind as he asked the girl various questions about her current state (none of which she answered). What she said next wiped the panic from him completely.

"That was beautiful..."


From there, their relationship continued. They became close companions and mutual supporters of eachother.

As for the girl, her pursuit for purpose wasn't over or solved. She still encountered waves of emotion from time to time...

But having him there made them easier to work through. It no longer felt like the end of the world when she was lost or confused.

He became her anchor, rooting her to one spot. No longer did she flow through the wind. Instead of cowering to it, she persevered through it.

Everything felt a bit easier, especially since she found a bit of her purpose in him.


This chapter wasn't planned AT ALL. But, I've been sick all week and had a lot of time to think. Last year I often felt how the girl in the story did: Lost, confused, and without purpose. I was able to work through it and get better, but it happened again today.

Last year I was able to get through it because I discovered BTS. When I came across 'Epiphany' for the first time it made me cry my eyes out. It spoke to all my fears and insecurities and soothed them. That's why I'm Jin biased. I treasure him a lot because he helped me.

Writing this helped me feel better (btw, sorry if it's a bit messy, I let loose when I wrote it). Just like the girl, I find purpose in those around me, as well as in my passions. Thank you all for reading and supporting something that I care deeply for: my writing.

-Belle 🔔

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