Chapter 25 - Tour Life

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Ticket sales were crazy and before long Laura 

realized they were selling out. It felt good to shut 

the window and stop selling. She thought now

she could go back and enjoy the concert herself 

as a fan. She went and purchased a soft drink and 

started towards the general admission area. She 

had an all access pass allowing her to walk anywhere 

she wanted around the concert hall. She realized 

the crowd was mostly younger than her and Tom,

but they were excited about the music. Of course,

she could also smell the reefer floating through

the air as she mingled. Her all access pass was 

gathering attention from the crowd, so she decided 

she better move backstage. She started to make 

her way towards the exit but not before she got 

caught in a slam session that broke out with the 

young guys. The biggest bodyguard on the crew 

spotted Laura's dilemma and managed to grab 

Laura's arm and pulled her up against the gates 

then two more of them including the big guy lifted 

her up and over to safety. One of the guys in the 

crowd took offense to the bodyguard pulling 

Laura out and started coming at the guard. Tom

had just ended the song started talking to the 

guy to settle down as he was watching them 

escort Laura backstage he wondered if she was

okay. Laura was completely embarrassed that 

she had to be saved and a fight broke out as a 

result. She never intended for anything like

that to happen. Tom was looking at her with 

concern, so she indicated she was fine to him

by a nod and wave to him. She quickly ran to 

the back. The crowd started booing softly over 

the disruption then Tom relieved now yelled

out, "Oh get over it!" Tom began playing their 

current hit and he belted it out better than 

before. The crowd was quickly moving back 

into the song and had forgotten the interruption.

Backstage Laura was quickly tracked down

by Bobby. Was she out of her mind getting 

herself caught out in the active rock pit crowd 

like that? Did she even think that may cause a

disruption and temporarily stop the show? 

They barely recovered from the interruption!

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