Chapter 14 - The Fall

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Tom had arrived at work at the high rise and parked 

his motorcycle. It was a cold and windy day so it should

be pretty miserable up top. He started to get on all of his 

safety equipment. He realized how tired he was from his

weekend with Laura. He had enjoyed the time immensely 

and couldn't wait until they actually started a life together. 

He liked that Laura was cautious and appeared to be in no

hurry to get hitched. He needed her to know his music 

world and know that she could live with the life. He

approached his boss who looked at Tom and said, "Hey 

man. You don't look so good. What the hell did you do this 

weekend?" Tom replied, "I'm fine man. I'll be okay, Bob." 

The boss had treated his employees like his kids and he

knew Tom was lying to him. He thought he should just

send him home without pay that day to let him rest. He 

had seen one too many guys come in from late nights and 

have bad falls. He liked Tom and the last thing he wanted 

was for Tom to get injured. Bob said to Tom, "I'm sorry 

man but I think you need to go home...sleep it off." Tom 

was getting upset with Bob now because he knew when

he was tired and especially too tired to climb and he felt 

fine. Bob could see Tom's indifference to his suggestion so

he caved and said to Tom, "Fine but if you fall so help me 

I will kick your butt!" Tom and Bob both laughed. The 

thought of this pot-bellied old man kicking Tom's already 

mostly broken body after a fall was just hilarious. Tom 

started to the outdoor elevator and started the climb.

As Tom climbed he was thinking about Laura and their 

weekend together. He did not sleep well last night 

becausehe couldn't quit thinking about her. He thought

he should have just stayed with her and not left. He 

was afraid to stay and then they both would not sleep.

God, he just couldn't win right now. He had arrived 

now at his destination and the elevator stopped. 

He stepped out to the beams and suddenly he thought 

I just need to hear her voice then I can start my 

day. He slid over to the side beam and got 

out his phone. He hit Laura's picture and his phone

started to call her. Just then a huge whipping wind came

through the beams. The crew started yelling at each 

other, "Hold on!" But it was too late for Tom as he had 

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