Chapter 13 - Meet The Family

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The weekend ended too soon and they headed 

back to Chicago. Tom was on cloud nine he had his 

worlds together now full steam ahead. He felt more 

secure knowing he had Laura committed to him now

before the music world took over his life. He needed

to know she felt as strongly as he did. Relationships

in the music business never worked. He had tried a 

couple of times with girls he really thought were it...

well, they weren't like Laura. They failed miserably. 

That night of the Jazz festival when he decided to 

date Shelley it was only because she seemed to show 

him another side, a softer side, and he was really drunk.

He didn't know why he said yes but once he did they

became inseparable. She was at every practice, every 

gig, and then some. He couldn't breathe without her 

stealing his carbon. He finally ended it one night after

a big show. She was getting upset with girls who were 

hanging out hoping to meet them. He couldn't have that. 

The band agreed she was doing them more harm than 

any good. Luckily her father the record producer did not

hold their breakup against the band and helped them get 

signed up anyway. Now here they are having completed

their first solo release and they were pushing it out to the

music stations. He had an anxious sigh as he thought 

about Shelley and now Lindsey attending gigs and practice, 

touring with them...and her crush. He hoped and prayed 

things continue to go well they would not affect his 

relationship. He liked the look of the ring on Laura's finger.

As they were nearing Chicago Laura said, "Okay, do you

think I should actually meet your family now?" Tom smiled

and said, "Of course." Laura asked, "Why ask me first and

introduce me later?" Tom said, "You may have said no. I 

have never brought anyone home before." They both 

laughed. What an ego this guy had. He didn't want his 

family to see him get rejected. On the way back to Chicago 

they stopped in the little suburb town of Homestead. 

Population 5363 showed a Corn Cob dancing. Laura 

thought that was hilarious her cool Tom was really from

redneckville. He knowing exactly what she was thinking 

after viewing the population sign said, "I will have you know

I was always cool...really stuck out around here." Laura 

laughed and shook her head. They pulled up on a little 

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