Chapter 32 - The Illusion

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Suddenly Laura was jolted with pain to her foot, her 

right foot. She thought through her tears now streaming

down her face, "What! Oh my God, Tom, wait...what the 

hell is going on?" She looked over at the kids and they were 

no longer in the distance, in fact the cabin was fading as well, 

and her surrounding were changing into a hospital room. She 

was lying in bed with a nurse at the foot of her bed sticking a 

pin in her big toe. "Ow!!!" she cried out. The nurse jumped 

back surprised by her reaction and left the room quickly to 

get the doctor. Laura was lying in bed with a lot of tubes run-

ning in and out of her. She looked around the room trying to 

grasp how she went from being in the snow with her kids to 

the hospital room. She must be going crazy...where, how, 

why...suddenly the doctor entered the room and said, "Ms. 

Reed...hello, I'm Dr. you know what year it is?" 

 Laura thought to herself, no, she did not know what year it

was she had to think about it...Lilly is five so 2020...maybe

...she's was trying so hard to remember but it was cloudy. 

 Why is he calling me Ms. Reed? Laura replied, "2020?" The 

doctor shook his head and said, "No, its were

 involved in an've been in a coma for eight 

months now." Laura was just trying to comprehend what 

he was telling her, it couldn't be true, this must be just a 

nightmare and she will wake up soon to her two gorgeous 

children. Laura closed her eyes and refused to engage in 

any further conversation trying to get back to her world.

The doctor asked the nurse to get her some medication to

calm her down and keep her quiet. He also asked the nurse

to contact her family and get them down there as soon as 

possible to help her transition. Laura could hear the doctor 

barking out orders and she kept thinking "Why don't I wake

up...I just need to wake up." The nurse came in and put 

something into her IV and she felt herself drifting off into 

sleep. She was awakened by her mother saying her name, 

"Laura?" She opened her eyes... "Mom!" as she put her

 arms out to hug her. Laura's mom hugged her and said, 

"Oh I am so happy you're okay." Laura said, "Mom, what this just a dream?" Her mom said, "Honey 

you have been out for a long time, since the was 

so scary. I'm so happy you're awake now!" Suddenly through 

Laura's IllusionWhere stories live. Discover now