Chapter 8 - Lindsey

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The following week the record company called the band

in to meet and go over the plan for their year. Tom and 

Trent were together and running late Trent driving them 

as Tom did the phone map directions while they argued 

about which way was faster. Ryan and Tyler were already 

there. Tom wore his hat backwards because he was having

a bad hair day and he had a new tattoo put on the night

before was still bandaged. They entered the room and

there were some men and women in suits and one woman 

dressed like a rock star. She was about 26 years old and 

introduced as Lindsey. She would be their road manager 

from the record company. Tom shook her hand and she

smiled warmly at him. She was a beautiful woman with 

auburn hair that cascaded down her shoulders. She wore

heavy eye makeup to make her green eyes pop out. She 

held onto his hand longer than he held her hand. Trent then

introduced himself to her and she was happy to meet 

him as well. Lindsey said, "Well, it is very nice to meet

you. I am a fan." Tom asked, "Oh you have seen us play?" 

Lindsey said, "Uh, yeah. I won't be insulted that you 

don't remember me then. Like the hat

tattoo?" Tom was a little embarrassed by the comments 

and question sat down without verbally answering only

nodding. The execs explained their schedule would start

with a signing showcase in New York before they would 

go back into the studio and record more tracks for an 

album. Lindsey was going to be their main person from 

the record company and would tour with them in every 

instance. Also coordinate some more recording time on 

the road. Tom was a little uncomfortable because she 

was young and he wasn't really sure how much experience 

she really had. Not to mention he thought his band may 

have trouble concentrating with a beauty like that around.

Tom asked to talk to Richard one of the executives on the 

side. "Um...isn't she a little young and inexperienced? Also, 

it's a bunch of rough guys on the road not a great place for 

a woman to be in the middle of." The executive laughed and 

patted Tom on the back, "We have complete confidence 

she is the perfect fit for your manager. Rest assured she is 

willing to anything to make your band successful. Lindsey

can take care of herself, trust me." Tom looked across the 

room at Lindsey who seemed to sense his disapproval 

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