Chapter One - The Encounter

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Laura a newly transplanted Chicago resident

went for drinks with her coworkers. She didn't 

know anyone in Chicago so these were her new 

friends Brooke and Mike. As they finished their 

drinks at their local downtown Chicago bar not 

far from their office they heard rock music from 

next door starting to play. Mike came up behind

Laura and Brooke his arms wide open and pushing

them towards the front doors, "Hey lets go check 

out the baaaannd." Laura and Brooke quickly downed 

what was left of their drinks laughed and let him 

continue to push them out the door and into the 

bar next door. As they entered the club Aces they 

noticed a range of people from 18 to 40 there to enjoy

the music. Some people were fresh from work others 

were coming in for the night it was slated to have four

bands play. The atmosphere was laid back and carried 

a slight scent of dried vomit and urine or just what a 

good low budget bar smells like. The first band eventual-

ly stopped playing so there was a break in the room while 

they changed equipment. The waitress had taken drink 

orders but seemed to have left Laura's off. Laura told 

Brooke she'd be right back as she was going to squeeze up

to the bar for a drink. As she wound her way through the 

crowd she was accidentally bumped into an intoxicated 

and irritated young man who was now wearing his drink.  

He turned to glare at her with his wet t-shirt and booze

dripping down his chin. Laura gasped and said very quickly 

and apologetically, "Oh, sorry. I'm...just so sorry...!" She 

quickly grabbed a towel off the waitress traveling by to

attempt to dry him off but this just seemed to anger him 

more. Just then another young man stumbled across to 

get in between them. He was facing her but pushing his 

wet friend, Trent, back and out of the way with one hand 

keeping his focus on her. The guy was devilishly handsome,

tall with dark curly hair, deep brown eyes and broad 

shoulders. "Hi...I'm...Tom...what would you like..." he 

then slightly burped through his lips and continued 

"... to drink? I will get it for you." Laura was trying not to

 laugh at him, could see his friend still fuming behind him, 

just shook her head and said, "I'm Laura, nice to meet you.

No, no that's okay." She sighed now observed beside him 

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