Chapter 12 - The Adventure

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The Thanksgiving holiday was now coming near and 

Tom wanted to do something special with Laura. It was

time to ask her. He was ready. Tom called Laura, "Hey 

beautiful!" Laura was excited to hear from him. "Hey Tom."

Tom went on, "I have a friend who has a cabin up by Lake

Michigan that is free for Thanksgiving Weekend....I was 

hoping we could go up there and...hang out." Laura 

thought that was a great idea. Away from their everyday

lives together and on a holiday. She was so excited 

about the idea she immediately said, "Yes! That sounds

wonderful!" They would drive of course in her car

so they could take some groceries and snowshoes. 

She was also packing cards and stuff for s'mores.

Why not...he was like her family just like Brooke was. 

Brooke was going home to Texas and Laura's mother 

was going to spend Thanksgiving with her brother. 

Before Tom and Laura knew it the holiday weekend 

was upon them. They packed up Laura's car and took 

off for the cabin.  Tom was really nervous acting 

making Laura wondered what was wrong with him. 

Was this actually a last trip and he was planning on

breaking it off with her? Was Lindsey winning? 

Anything is possible in her mind so she was ready 

for anything.  She would be strong. She could live

without him, miserably, but she could do it

thinking of the lonely times without him with her.

Tom drove and she sat in the passenger seat to over-

see the music. She was skipping through her music

to her favorite Angels and Airwaves song, oh, there

it was, "Do It For Me Now..." Tom asked her to 

connect to the car so he could listen as well. 

As the song played Tom shook his head, smiled 

and asked, "How can you listen to this crap?" 

She smiled because she knew deep down he was 

enjoying the tune but it was too sensitive for 

him to admit he liked it. Laura said, "Well I have 

not recently heard your stuff so I'm not really 

sure if this is crap or not." She meant to let him

know she is painfully aware he had been cutting 

her out of that part of his world still just little 

glimpses such as practice on occasion if it 

wasn't during her work hours. He looked over at 

her surprised by the statement. He had thought 

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