Chapter 30 - The Aftermath

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Trent found Tom all right but not before Tom 

had a black eye and a bloody nose from his battles.

The police were now coming through the building 

towards the back. Trent grabbed Tom and said,

"Come on. You have to get out of here now." Tom

nodded realizing the police were now coming. They

quickly headed back to the tour bus. Trent deposited 

Tom at the bus door and warned him, "Now your 

daughter is in there sleeping. Don't be going in there 

and doing anything stupid. Just go to bed." Tom 

nodded. When he got into the bus Laura was in the

shower. He crawled into their bed and listened while 

she finished and blew her hair dry. He waited for her. 

Laura came out and hesitated she could feel he was

in the room now even though it was pitch black. Tom 

said, "Come to me." Laura got her pajamas out of the

drawer and crawled up next to Tom, started touching

his injuries. Laura said, "I'll get some ice." Tom nodded.

Laura returned with a towel of ice and started applying

 them to his broken face. He cried out a little. Laura 

rolled her eyes.

He flipped on their small dresser light so he could see 

her and said, "Just talk to me. Why did you do this 

tonight?" Laura put her head down on his chest, "I 

guess I wanted to be out having some fun too. Show

you I can be just as attractive as them. Stupid, I know."

Tom now pushed her back so he could see her face,

"You are beautiful. You stuck way out in the room. 

That's why I was looking at didn't fit in." 

Laura said, "Great. I can't even fit in." Tom said, "No, 

not at all but that's why I love you. You are so far above 

all of that you can't help but stick out." Laura and Tom 

both laughed a little. but Laura knew there would be

repercussion over this night. Any trouble will be because 

of her insecurities and wanting to show Tom. She 

should have just told him, she said, "I should have just

told you how I was feeling." Tom rubbing his head now 

where his black eye was forming said, "Uh, yeah, that 

would have been a little better for me." Laura said, "Well 

you need to hold your temper when it comes to me."

Tom looked at her, "He deserved his ass kicking." Laura 

said, "Looks like you got the ass kicking." Tom said, "You 

should see him" he said smiling wryly. Laura shook her

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