Chapter 22 - The Nuptials

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As the months past Tom and Trent started traveling 

with their band around the state getting their record 

air play. They were having a lot of luck with the radio 

stations liking the song. They were approached by the 

radio station to do a video for the song and also to get 

into the studio to record a full length record. Tom was 

still having episodes of back spasms and knew if he

didn't rest his back he was going to be back on pain 

pills again. The last time he was on pills he made 

irrational decisions so he wanted to avoid those at 

all costs. Laura came to see him on weekends with 

Brooke or he came home when they were not touring. 

He had received a work comp settlement from his 

accident and it allowed him to me to work on his 

music and not worry about paying the bills, yet. 

They had a nice life going on with Laura doing well

at her sales job and his band starting to take off. 

Lindsey had kept her distance from Laura under-

standing this was a much bigger commitment 

than she initially thought. She would just have 

to wait...all band girlfriends did not last...

marriage or no marriage...not the life for wedlock.

One evening Tom came home and found Laura had

made a very nice dinner for them. As she was 

spooning the vegetables on his plate he saw she had

put the ring on her left hand. He grabbed the bowl 

and her hand to make sure he wasn't seeing things. 

He looked up at her and she was smiling. He then 

asked, "Just trying it on?" She smiled and shook her

head, "Actually I would like to marry you if you 

would still have me." Tom put the bowl down and 

got up to embrace Laura. He whispered in her ear, 

"Of course I will have fact I will have you 

right now..." then he jokingly laid her down on the 

table pushing the food to the side. Laura squealed 

with delight but knew he was just kidding. He helped

her back up and gave her a long passionate kiss. 

He said, "I'm so happy." Laura said, "Oh no, there 

goes the music." They both laughed and finished 


Things were going great and month after month 

had gone by. Their one year anniversary (dating) 

had come and gone. Winter months were setting

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