Chapter 28 - Meet Lilly

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The tour wrapped up a few weeks later. Once 

they returned home, they were able to rent a nice 

house by the Lake not too far from where Tom grew 

up. The pregnancy went on without a hitch. Laura's 

stomach grew bigger and Tom's music grew more 

deeply. Finally, the due date had arrived. Tom was at 

the studio when Laura's water broke. He rushed home

to get her and take her to the hospital. On the way 

Laura said, "Well, this is it. No more us..." Tom said, 

"No, this is we're a family." Laura was so 

happy Tom was so into their new family situation and 

not even missing a beat. He helped her into the labor 

and delivery room where they waited. Lilly arrived 

exactly at 5:25 p.m. She was beautiful with a head of 

dark hair and it appeared she would either have very 

brown or very blue eyes because they were dark. Tom

and Laura couldn't have been more elated. Flowers and

cards poured in from well-wishers and they took her 

home the following day. Both mom and baby were doing 

great. Tom helped Laura as much as he could, but she 

was breast-feeding so other than help her change her 

diaper there wasn't much he could do. He would watch 

Laura with Lilly and he loved them so much. He was

amazed how much Lilly had looked like her mom in 

coloring but also had some of his features as well like

his long fingers. He would teach her to play...yes...he

would teach her everything she would need to know. 

 And...she will NEVER date...EVER.

The next year flew by with Tom in the recording studio 

and helping Laura at home with Lilly. By the time Christmas 

rolled around Lilly was crawling trying to get into everything. 

Laura had their house baby proofed but Lilly still managed

to get herself into predicaments. One time she caught her 

hand in the toilet seat lock. How does a baby even manage 

to do that? Tom had a mini studio in the house where he 

would write his music. Lilly would sit outside his door and 

cry to be let inside to listen. Tom would tell her, "Now you 

have to be quiet because I am trying to get this timing down..." 

as if Lilly under a year old could comprehend. Laura would 

laugh at Tom who would try to reason with a baby who was 

only interested in crawling, chewing and sleeping.

Soon it was springtime and Lilly starting to walk now. Tom 

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