Chapter 33 - Coping

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The next morning, she awoke alone but she knew

he had been there with her. She had felt his hand 

squeezing her hand at one point. She remembered 

squeezing back then turning over...she needed space 

and time to take in what happened. Her mother came 

to her later that morning as they were starting her 

physical therapy to get her walking again. Laura realized 

how thin her legs and arms had gotten from lack of 

activity. She was not the woman she used to be she 

realized. When she went to the bathroom to try to 

shower for the first time in 8 months, she did not 

recognize herself in the mirror. Her hair was thin, and

her body was thinner and scarred. She was horrified. 

The nurse assisted her into the shower then let her have 

her privacy. Her mother was there to help her change into 

pajamas and get back into bed. Her mother than brushed 

and dried her hair for her while she sat there and tried to 

accept her own reality. Her mother left later, and Brooke 

showed up. She had a beautiful bunch of flowers for her 

to brighten her room. Brooke said, "Hey you! How are you 

doing?" Laura smiled limply, "I'm okay, I guess." Brooke 

looked troubled, "Well, you will adjust. You will be out of 

here in no time and back to a life." Laura thought about it

only for a moment then said, "I don't want that life back, 

I want the one I had." Brooke was sad for her friend. She 

didn't know what life she was talking about so she thought 

she would change the subject. "You know Tom was here 

every day. He's so cute! What a great guy! He loves you...I 

don't know how he decided to love you when he doesn't 

even know you that well, but well I'm no true love expert."

Laura then had to stop her...she said, "Please, just stop. I 

can't...I'm still trying to understand I am never going to have 

children." Brooke stopped fixing the flowers and sat down 

next to her. She said, "Now you know there are other options 

like adoption or having someone carry a child for you." Laura 

then nodded. She was right but still didn't make her feel any 

better about being imperfect now.

Laura was very depressed. She has to stop this madness. 

Tom cannot be coming to her every day. She is not the girl 

for him. He just feels sorry for her. She was going to stop 

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