Chapter 31 - The Call

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The call came in late one Saturday night. Laura had 

been asleep a couple of hours when the phone rang.  

Nothing good usually comes from a late-night call. 

She felt uneasy answering the phone afraid who 

would be on the other end. Tom had talked to her 

earlier in the evening and had said good night so he 

wouldn't call her again unless something was wrong. 

She answered and it was a police officer on the other 

end. "Yes, I need to speak with a Laura Kelter." She 

couldn't speak, he continued, "Is this Laura?" She 

finally was able to say, "Yes." The officer then said,

"There has been a serious accident and I'm afraid 

your husband is in the hospital in serious condition.

" Laura felt her heart sink into her stomach. She 

never even remembered how she got to the hospital 

but it was a 14 hour drive. She had left Lilly with 

Brooke who was crying when she dropped her.

Tom had been on the bus sleeping when the 

accident occurred, and the bus rolled over. He 

sustained a head injury, a serious head injury. 

One more head injury than he was allowed in this 

life. The doctor told her that Tom's brain had limited 

activity and they were keeping him alive only with

machines at this point. She needed to make the 

decision to keep him on or take him off. She felt like 

she was in a bad dream world that when the doctor 

spoke to her it was all in slow motion. When she 

looked at Tom he looked normal, not even hurt, 

but asleep. She draped herself across his bed and 

cried. The staff left her there for hours leaving her 

to say goodbye...decide. Trent had been waiting

outside ICU with Tom's mother who was also called.

Laura stepped out to be with them, she couldn't 

make that decision to let him go. Tom's mother had 

said her goodbyes already and said to Laura, "Honey,

it's not Tom. He's already gone sweetheart. He can't 

come back to his body and be Tom again. You have to

let him go be an angel in Heaven where he can still 

make his music." Laura hugged his mother and cried

she had never in her life cried this hard. Trent also 

became emotional and had to leave the room. He 

knew she had to make that decision and he couldn't 

watch. This was his brother and he was leaving way

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