Chapter 10 - New York

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The morning came for Tom to head to New York. Laura 

had stayed with him that night. That was very hard for 

him to wake up next to her and not take advantage. She 

was so beautiful sleeping he didn't want to wake her so 

he wrote her a note. He kissed her gently on the lips...she

was sleeping pretty sound so she would not remember 

that as their first kiss. He just couldn't resist. Her lips were 

so soft just as he had imagined them. He thought about 

taking her at that point as the urge to not stop was taking 

over him then he regained his senses and back away from 

her as she stirred a little then settled back down into her 

slumber. Tom carefully removed himself from their bed to 

shower all the while watching her sleep, he hated leaving

her. Tom met with the band at the airport on Thursday to

travel to New York City. He only brought his guitar and 

backpack. Trent said, "Traveling light?" Tom said, "Yep...

hate to check luggage. I am only staying one night." Trent 

said, "Well, I'm staying the weekend. It's New York! Are you 

crazy we are launching and you are not going to stick 

around to party the weekend? We'll probably get free 

everything this weekend!" Tom hadn't really thought 

about it but Trent was probably right. Tom said, "Laura 

couldn't get away from her job and she has to go to her 

mother's this weekend." Trent was now angry, "What! 

Are you kidding me?!?! See, it's already starting. We are

getting our big break and you are already acting like a 

married guy who won't do anything without permission." 

Tom was angry now Trent was being such a jerk. Tom

said, "Listen, Trent. This is my life now. You need to get

used to it because she is not going anywhere." Trent just 

sat there shaking his head looking at Tom. Tom pulled 

out a magazine he brought with him and started flipping 

through trying to ignore Trent's attitude. Trent finally said, 

"Well, don't marry least for a while. Things are 

going to get really hectic and she may just change her mind 

about being serious with you, especially because she will be

home alone a good part of the time." Tom scowled at Trent

again now Ryan came around to keep things in check. Tom

looked at Ryan and said, "I'm not going to do anything stupid. 

Besides, I wouldn't want to make his New York stay at a 

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