Chapter 16 - The Recovery

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Within a week Tom was released to home with Laura. 

His mother stayed on another two days to help Laura

get him adjusted back home and prepare small meals 

to freeze for when Laura was at work and not able to

care for him. Tom could not be up and about very long 

yet and so standing in the kitchen was not an option. 

Tom was not his usual charismatic self at this time. He

was in so much pain he on three different medications.

When he wasn't grouchy from the pain he was sleeping

from the pills. This went on for weeks slowly getting 

better. Christmas and New Year's came and passed with 

Tom mostly sleeping through lying in bed. Laura was not 

able to take off to get him to his physical therapy appoint-

ments but Trent came by two to three times a week to get

Tom where he needed to be. On more than one occasion 

Trent stayed over and Laura made sure she took 

advantage of the company playing games and discussing 

the latest movies or shows. Trent and Laura had found a

common ground, Tom. They both loved Tom. Initially it 

was they would tolerate each other for the love of Tom. 

Now it was growing into something special, a special 

friendship, a special bond.

As the weeks continued to pass Tom was getting 

around more and more without assistance, he was 

even allowed now to start removing the back brace 

wearing only at night. Laura would lay with him at 

night and wait on him so he didn't have to get up 

too much. Tom finally told her, "Honey, I have to 

start doing for myself or I'm never going to heal 

completely." Laura nodded...she just didn't want 

him to hurt. Tom smiled at her...he appreciated her

loving him. Laura was happy because he had not

smiled in a long time but today was a good pain 

day. Laura leaned in and kissed him and he kissed 

her back hungrily. He started to move her into him 

then the pain came back in an instant to remind him

he was not one hundred percent. He groaned in 

pain and Laura freaked out, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

I'm so sorry!" Tom shook his head, " 

okay. I'm just not where I want to be yet." Laura

asked, "Can I get you something...your pills?" Tom 

exclaimed, "Damn it! I don't want to keep taking 

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