Chapter 29 - Insecure Much?

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They hit many cities and Lilly helped with sound checks

and always made sure daddy kissed her good night before

he went to play. Laura stayed in the bus with Lilly while 

Tom played. She would hear the songs and the crowds 

going crazy. She was so proud of Tom. He was doing 

something he loved and from the heart. He made people 

happy with his music and it was beautiful music. How lucky 

could she be to be married to such a great guy and on top 

of that have his child? That bubble was about to burst as

time went on. Tom was starting to hang out with the band 

now after shows and with the groupies and rabid fans. He 

was also starting to drink a little too much. He was coming

into their bedroom at 2 a.m. drunk and wanting to make 

love. Lindsey was still around and had her young hot body 

since she was not a mother. Laura's body had bounced

back nicely but she knew she was different. You can't go 

back once you have been pregnant, not without surgery 

anyway. She was not working since Lilly was a full-time job 

and Tom didn't want someone else raising their daughter. 

This just made her feel more insecure about herself and 

their marriage.

One day after he left to go play for the 10th time she decided 

she was not putting up with it. She was going to be out 

there with the crowd and having fun too. However, he

would never approve so she would have to disguise 

herself. She thought she would dress up like a 

groupie and see if she could get an invite back into their 

party room and show him how she could be if he really 

wanted it to be that way. She put on a mini and a strapless 

top with her four-inch heels and heavy makeup. She put 

blue die in her hair she had picked up from a roadie's bag 

so she would look drastically different and partially put 

her hair up. She had done this all the while the first band

was playing hoping no one would discover what she was 

up to. She got one of the crew to come in and watch television 

while Lilly slept and allow her to attend the after party. She 

took off her wedding ring and tucked it in a drawer. The

crew member watched her slink away towards the venue 

and he shook his head. Women.

As she walked into the venue. she was already getting 

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