Chapter 9 - The Meeting

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The next week Tom had taken Laura to lunch and 

advised he had to leave with the band to a New York 

City event the record company set up for them to

launch their new release that coming Thursday. Laura 

could not get the time off of work on such short notice 

was disappointed but not trying to show it too much. 

Tom realizing she was disappointed said, "It should be

an in and out of there or one night only. I'll be home on 

Friday to take you out." Laura said, "No you should stay.

It's New York! Besides I'm going to see my mother this 

weekend." Tom said, "I know, but I don't want to see it 

without you." Laura added, "Wow, you're going to be a 

real drag to your band if this is how you are going to act 

when I am not with you." Tom laughed and said, "They 

will get over it in time." Tom added, "I'll miss you." Laura

said, "Me too...I'd miss me too." Tom smiled at her then 

gave her a friendly nudge.

The next practice Laura showed up as Tom requested. 

She had brought herself some dinner since she had not 

eaten yet, Chinese. She was sitting and eating her food 

when Lindsey showed up. Laura had been dressed in her

ripped jeans, flip flops and a t-shirt without much make 

up and her hair pulled back. Lindsey was full makeup and 

hair with the latest tight ripped jeans and six inch heels. 

Laura initially thought it was another groupie until the 

band started talking with Lindsey like she was important. 

Tom waved Laura over so she got up wiping her mouth 

of the fried rice but missed a piece still on her chin. As 

she walked over to Tom and Lindsey Tom looked at her 

amusingly then put his arm around her and gently wiped

her chin removing the rice. Laura was surprised and 

slightly grossed out at the same time said, "Oh sorry 

about that." Tom was doing this for Lindsey sake of course 

to show her this is the only girl for him. Lindsey then 

introduced herself to Laura, "Hi I'm Lindsey. I work for

the record company. It is so nice to finally meet you I 

wondered if Tom was trying to hide you from me." Tom 

did not appreciate that last statement at all. She was 

already causing problems. Laura was a little caught off 

guard by the rapid introduction and suggestion that Tom 

may be manipulating her. Laura replied, "Oh, very nice to 

meet you. Well, Tom is very protective of me...I'm sure he 

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