Chapter 20 - The Club

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They arrived at the venue and the crowd was 

starting to form. Brooke and Laura got out and 

went to get in line to get into the club. The 

bouncer at the door spied them in line and 

immediately waved them down to the front.

"Good evening ladies." Brooke and Laura both 

chimed back, "Good evening!" The bouncer 

asked for their id's then escorted them inside. 

Brooke was not surprised by the extra attention

or being allowed to cut lines as this occurred

for her on a regular basis. Laura was just enjoying 

for once getting the benefit of that attention. As 

they entered the club the first band was playing 

and they were getting the crowd warmed up. 

Laura was walking by spied the band's poster by

their merchandise table. This was her first time 

ever seeing a band item other than a musical 

instrument. The poster had the name "Kraken 2." 

What a great name she thought...their band 

photo was on the poster as well. There was Tom

with his guitar giving his best "aren't I cool" pose. 

Laura and Brooke were getting a lot of attention 

from the men in the place but she seemed oblivious

to the eyes. She was looking around for her Tom. 

Nowhere did she see Tom but she did come to see 

Jazz girl sitting prime and center at the bar. Great, 

just what she wanted to see. It was going to be a

long, long night Tom had been getting the band 

equipment ready in the back. He did not feel like 

mingling with the crowd tonight. It was all 

business tonight. Their single was launching. 

This was the beginning of hopefully a long success-

ful run. He had been called earlier that day from 

Shelly, Jazz girl, she was excited about the band's 

performance tonight and her dad thought the 

single was going to do great. She offered to come 

by and pick him up so he didn't have to take his 

motorcycle to the club. She had tried very hard 

to not act up and befriend the band she still had 

he crush. He decided, why not take her up on 

the offer, she was going to be there anyway he 

needed a car to help haul his equipment but he 

made it clear this was not a date. She agreed but

secretly hoped eventually they could circle back 

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