Chapter 34 - Happy Never After

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The day had come for her release. Brooke had come to

help her and drive her home. Her mother had returned 

home to be with her siblings. Brooke came into the room, 

"Hey! Great day to be getting out! It's so beautiful outside!" 

 Laura smiled. She had been rough with Brooke during her 

recovery and depression and Brooke did not hold anything 

against her. She was a true friend. Brooke brought Laura a 

pretty summer cotton dress and some sandals to wear out 

along with some make up. Laura had forgotten how apply 

makeup, but Brooke helped her, and she was happy to see 

lipstick, a nice shade of red, was included. Laura looked at 

herself in the mirror and she almost looked like the old Laura 

again except sadder. Laura tried to smile at herself in the 

mirror, but the smile still looked pained. Brooke came up next 

to her and gave her a hug.... "It's going to be okay. Time heals 

all. God is good." Laura smiled as she knew Brooke was right 

and things would get better in time.

As they exited the hospital to the car in the distance Laura saw 

him. There was Tom standing by his motorcycle holding his 

helmet in his hand. Brooke waved at him and he nodded. Laura 

asked, "Why?" Brooke blurted out, "Because you owe him your 

life. After the thugs were done with you, he got over to you with 

his own injuries and stopped you from bleeding to death. Did he 

not tell you that part?" Laura was stunned...she did not have a 

memory after she was struck until waking up at the hospital. 

 Laura said, "Great....and I sent him away." Brooke added, "Yeah, 

well you don't have to marry him but for goodness sake be his 

friend. He's certainly been a friend...a great you." Laura 

felt like a heel know. She looked over at Tom; he waved an unsure 

wave at her. She then waved back and smiled. That's all he needed, 

and he was walking over to them. Brooke gave him a hug and 

exclaimed, "Hey darling. How are you?" Tom said, "Good. Good." 

 He looked at Laura, "So they let you out finally?" Laura said, "Yeah, 

I guess someone told you I was getting out right now?" Tom looked 

at Brooke and Brooke said, "Yes, it was I. I am the reason he is here." 

 Laura said, "Well, I guess I owe you an apology and a thank you for 

saving my life." Tom blushed a little and said, "No you don't owe me 

anything. I failed you...I didn't stop them from hurting you." Laura 

said, "There were five of them with weapons, you're not superman." 

 Tom shook his head and added, "I wanted to be your superman. That

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