Chapter- 19 - The In Between

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Laura took personal items and went to crash at Brooke's 

until she could get her another apartment or at least until

Tom could forgive her. Brooke welcomed her friend and 

helped her get settled temporarily. Brooke knew she was 

hurting told her, "It will be okay. He's still hurting from the 

accident and just has a temper right now. Give him time." 

Laura thought Brooke had a good point. Tom was different 

since the accident the pain made him miserable and the 

medication made him not himself. She missed the old Tom 

and wondered if she would ever see him again. Her mind 

drifted back to their time in the cabin and how wonderful 

it was to be with him then she fell asleep. Tom had gone 

back to his now empty apartment. Many of Laura's things 

were still there...he was angry she was still everywhere...

he couldn't get away from her if he wanted to. Lindsey 

called him just then and he picked up. "Yeah." Lindsey 

said, "So I heard there was an epic fight today and your 

little girl turned out to be a big fat liar." Tom hated her

 right now for rubbing it his face... "Lindsey, is there any

other reason you called because if not I'm hanging up..."

Lindsey quickly said, "Wait, yes...I've booked the band a 

gig in three weeks...I need you guys to be sharp as I'm

going to have some tour backers attending so we need

to increase practices." Tom said, "Fine." Lindsey said, 

"Well, okay, hey I'll see you at practice then...tomorrow?" 

Tom said, "Fine." Lindsey hung up smiling knowing this

would be her opportunity if she played it right to be 

with Tom.

That next few weeks drug on and every time her phone 

would ring she was hoping it was Tom wanting to forgive

her and ask her to come back home. He never called. She 

couldn't take it so she called Tom and left a message to 

please call she just needed to know was it truly over. Tom 

wouldn't call her back. Laura then hoped by calling Trent 

he could help her talk with Tom. Trent didn't call her back. 

She was so upset now because this was not how this was to

end up. It was a serious misunderstanding that she should 

have cleared up immediately. Yes, she should have but she 

didn't and he was punishing her above and beyond what 

should be reasonable. She decided she was not going to take 

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