Chapter 1

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Hello my lovelies!! I chalked up a plot today, so hopefully I don't screw things up in the future lmao

Kind of throws you guys into your past a little bit, I tried making it not so sudden, but it didn't make sense no matter what angle I tried to go at it in, so I decided to just keep it how it was.

Also, side note, I have never been in a K-12 school so I have no idea how they separate high/middle/elementary school kids. Don't kill me lol

Warnings: Mentions of hospitalization in the past

I hope you lovelies enjoy, and stay safe! <3


      "(Y/n)!" June called out from the living room.

      "In here!" She called back, toast hanging from her mouth as she moved the fork in her pancakes.

      "Is Jack up?" June appeared in the kitchen doorway.

      "I don't think so, I haven't seen him down here all morning." (Y/n) shrugged.

      June turned and stalked down the hall towards' Jack's room. "Jack! You need to get up! It's almost time to go!"

      (Y/n) stifled a chuckle and opted to just shake her head. She tuned them out, an occurrence that happened daily. Her (eye color) eyes glanced up in front of her at the calendar next to the stove, and smiled when she saw June had circled a specific date a week from today. It was the two year anniversary of her arrival in the Darby household.

      The toast fell from her mouth, slapping on top of the syrup she'd had on her plate. Groaning, she decided to just save it for her school lunch. She and Jack were the same age, seventeen, and June was a busy nurse, so she didn't have time to pack their lunches. If Jack doesn't get up soon, I might have to share my lunch with him, (Y/n) thought.

      As if on cue, the noiret teen walked in. "I got it, mom! Have a good day at work!"

      (Y/n) shouted her own goodbye to June before moving to put her stuff in baggies. Jack turned to her.

      "It feels like I've known you for more than two years." Jack leaned against the counter and put a single slice of bread in the toaster. "More like four."

      "That's sweet, Jack." (Y/n) snickered and elbowed him gently.

      "I'm serious. I mean, we're seniors this year."

      "Your point?" She deposited her baggies in a paper back and labelled said bag.

      "I mean, I don't want you to just disappear after high school. Or, feel like you don't have me and mom."

      "Jack what are you talking about?" (Y/n) looked up at him in confusion.

      "Nothing I just..." he sighed. "Your anniversary got me thinking about...the hospital."

      (Y/n) quickly averted her eyes. That's how she'd met the Darby's. June was a nurse - her nurse to be exact - as she had been hospitalized two years ago; and June had taken it upon herself to take (Y/n) in her home. Jack and (Y/n) both believed it to be very sudden, but June insisted she'd stayed, knowing the injuries she'd sustained enough to put her in the hospital weren't by herself. As a result, (Y/n) didn't like talking about it.

      "I know, I know you don't like talking about it, but it just got to me suddenly." Jack plucked his toast from the toaster.

      "It's time to go, I'll share my lunch with you later." (Y/n) changed the subject, turning off the stove light and grabbing her bag.

      Jack only nodded, following closely after her, toast in his mouth. Both teens got their shoes on and flipped their bags over their shoulders, going into the garage to hop on their bikes. The good thing about Jasper, Nevada is that it's a very small town. Jack fell behind because he was eating his toast, but (Y/n) didn't really seem to notice.

      Memories captivated her mind, flooding her senses enough to make her legs go on autopilot towards the school. If she tried hard enough, she could still hear the beeping of her heart monitor, and the pain of her IV in her hand. She tried not to go that far though, and decided to just focus on the day. A new foreign exchange student was supposed to arrive, and the school decided she was to show her around the place.

      All the school told her was the new student's name, Miko Nakadai. She was Japanese, and she was a sophomore. Seeing the school appear, (Y/n) looked behind her to see if Jack was still following, and thankfully he was. His toast was gone, and he was quickly gaining speed. (Y/n) spotted the grin on his face, and began to pedal faster and faster to beat him to the school.

      Speeding past cars, and through the parking lot, and onto the sidewalk, (Y/n) swung one leg off her bike, hitting the bike stand with her handles. Jack came up violently next to her. Cursing under his breath, he pulled the bike lock out from his bag and locked both our bikes up to the stand. Both teens made their way to the stairs, making hushed conversation. As they walked into the school, (Y/n) spotted the new girl.

      "I guess that's my cue, gotta show the new kid around school." (Y/n) nudged Jack a bit.

      "Good luck, it looks like she's a trouble maker." Jack quirked a brow at Miko before glancing back down at his adoptive sister.

      (Y/n) laughed and made her way over. The girl's clothing choice sure was weird. A pale pink tee underneath a dark blue tank top, a yellow belt with unrecognizable stuffed animals on her left hip, jean shorts with black tights underneath, and brown combat boots that went up to her knees, laced with purple laces. Her hair was put up in three ways; spiked buns on the top of her head and a French braid. It was jet black with hot pink highlights. (Y/n) definitely thought it weird, but shrugged it off and continued to walk up to her.

      I have no room to judge. My thought process has been all over the place this morning, with the anniversary, hospital, just ugh, She thought.

      "Hey, are you Miko Nakadai?" (Y/n) piped up.

      "Yeah, and are you my tour guide?" Miko placed her hands on her hips, letting a snide smirk play on her lips.

      "Yes, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). How long have you been in America now?" (Y/n) thought it was a dumb question.

      "A week, my host parents just enrolled me into this school yesterday." Miko began playing with her braid.

      "Your English is very good for being here for a week, did you take classes while you were home?" (Y/n) offered a kind smile.

      "Yeah, I thought they were dumb at first, that I'd never need it, but look at me now!" Miko grinned.

      (Y/n) laughed. "Yeah. Well, do you want to start the tour?"

      Miko nodded and followed behind (Y/n), chatting up a storm the whole way. Even as (Y/n) was showing Miko around and talking about their favorite shared bands and songs, only one thing played on her mind. Jack got her thinking about her time in the hospital, and it stuck in her mind. Brushing it off as a passing thought each time, she continued to show Miko around the building.

      "This is a K-12 school, so you cannot go down those specific hallways. That one leads to the middle school section, and the other one leads to the elementary school section. When you see the green or yellow walls, you've gone too far." (Y/n) pointed down each hallway.

      Miko nodded along, continuing to follow the (brunette/blonde/noirette/etc.) down the hall. The bell rang, signifying another day of school in session.

To the Edge (TFP Megatron x F!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now