Chapter 27

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Alright so, I couldn't post this one on Friday because I was super busy. I'm still kinda busy today, but not as much. So!! I'm posting this one today and the second one later on today - I don't know when tho lol

Also I realized like, halfway through the beginning that I NEVER INTRODUCED AIRACHNID. So I just had to make do with what I could.

Warnings: None, y'all are safe! :)

To the Edge updates every Friday and Sunday. If I don't post on one of those days, check out my account conversations board. I'll have an announcement posted as to why it wont be up that day, and what day it will be rescheduled for.

Thank you all so much, stay safe, and enjoy the chapter :)


      (Y/n) woke up in Megatron's berth again. He wasn't there. Yawning to herself, (Y/n) opted to get up and start getting ready, knowing that if Megatron was already up and about, today was going to be busy.

      Rushing to her clothes she transferred over from her old room, (Y/n) put on sweatpants and a nice sweater on. It was cold today, and (Y/n) wasn't ready to not have cuddle time with the warlord. Strapping on her blaster's holster, she stopped and looked at her German Executioner sword. It lay against the wall, strap no longer used.

      (Y/n) felt a sense of nostalgia, but she shook her head before she could be pulled deep enough. Exiting the room, she yelped when she came face to face with Knockout. "What are you doing here?!"

      "Giving you your daily dose of kioten." Knockout rolled his optics, holding her arm out and uncapping the syringe. "You know, Megatron is waiting for you in the control room. Remember Airachnid? The one Breakdown brought home after some relic hunt gone wrong?"

      "What? Airachnid? Who's-"

      "The big creepy spider femme? You know the one." Knockout stuck her with the needle, injecting the serum in.

      "No, actually, I don't. Maybe I was doing something else and no one told me." (Y/n) pondered.

      "Could be, word doesn't get around about new members quickly. Unless you're human. Or..."

      "Techno-organic, yeah I know." (Y/n) huffed, pulling her arm away once Knockout was done.

      "Well either way, Airachnid is in the control room with Megatron. They've been making hushed conversation for a little while now, maybe she thinks to-"

      "Don't, Knockout. Me and Megatron haven't been together long, it's only been a week. I'm sure nothing is happening." (Y/n) pushed past him and made her way towards the main control room.

      (Y/n) tried not to let her heart get in the way of her mind, maybe Airachnid was just an old comrade from before that came back? Or maybe Megatron is showing her the ropes if she's new? Either way she doubted that in the first week of her relationship with the warlord, that he would try to do anything with another femme.

      Approaching the control room, (Y/n) took a deep breath and walked in. Megatron and Airachnid were talking, but it seemed like Megatron was shifted away from her. (Y/n) still couldn't hear what they were talking about, and that made her a little anxious, but she pushed the thought away and made her way to both of them.

      "I apologize for the interruption, but I don't believe we've met?" (Y/n) piped up behind Airachnid.

      The femme whipped around. She was black with dashes of purple and gold strewn here and there on her frame. On her backstruts were large, arching things (Y/n) could only guess were more legs. Guess that's why her name is Airachnid.

To the Edge (TFP Megatron x F!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now