Chapter 29

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Jack: *tips fedora* Optimus is just a stupid chad ;-;

Warnings: None I think?

To the Edge updates every Friday and Sunday. Lately this hasn't been the case, since personal things kept popping up left and right. Although, term 3 just ended, so hopefully my school can chill the fuck out for a while and I can get back to my regular schedule again.


Thank you so much lovelies, stay safe, and enjoy the chapter :)


      "A techno-organic?! I can't be one! Ratchet, how did she even become big?"

      "That I do not know. It will require an extensive amount of research. Or we could find some way to infiltrate the Decepticon database." Ratchet thought to himself.

      "No! No, no, no. Ratchet, I-"

      "I thought you said you wanted to help in the war effort?"

      Rayne paused. She did feel pretty useless just sitting around and doing nothing all day, while Optimus was out kicking ass. She did say at one point that she wanted to help, becoming something you thought you weren't a good sacrifice? Rayne was human,  not some- some...Cybertronian wannabe!

      Feeling herself panic, Rayne sat down and ran her fingers through her hair. All of this had to be some type of dream. She would wake up, passed out on the kitchen counter, to the smell of burnt cookies. (Y/n) was always the better baker, anyway.

      Trembling, Rayne began to fold in on herself, making Ratchet stare at her in confusion. What on Cybertron was Rayne doing? Rayne's thoughts dove further towards (Y/n), as they always had since the day she lost her. Rayne lifted her head up, one of her hands flipping her hair behind her. Sighing out, she looked up at Ratchet. "How the hell am I supposed to help with the war effort?"

      "If we can figure out how to make you as big as (Y/n), we can give you a weapon, and you can get out there and do your thing."

      Rayne stared at Ratchet for a moment. Did she want to do that? If she did, she wondered if she could even focus on fighting, instead of focusing on how she's not human. But wait, if she was a different species, then what about her mother?

      "What about my mother?"

      "What about her?"

      "Are- are you able to tell if I got the DNA from my mother?"

      Ratchet stared at her for a moment. Rayne guessed that was a no. "What if I brought her here? Explained everything? She's been calling me and worrying over me. Ratchet this could-"

      "No! We have enough humans here. Especially with the recent joining of Jack's mother, June. If you want to bring your mother all the way out here, you'll have to speak with Optimus and Agent Fowler."

      "Then I want Fowler's number."

      "Bah! Rayne, he'll say no. As for Optimus, well...don't think I'm not onto you two. My pistons may be rusty, but my hearing and sight are as sharp as ever." Ratchet wagged a digit at Rayne.

      "Then I refuse to give you more data for research, until you give me Fowler's number!" Rayne stood, anger evident on her face. Her eyes wide, it scared Ratchet a little.

      They had a stare off until Ratchet finally huffed. Turning to a monitor beside him, he pulled up Agent Fowler's profile. Stepping away from it, he motioned to the man's cell. "Well there it is."

To the Edge (TFP Megatron x F!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now