Chapter 14

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This chapter is going to be a half and half chapter! Half (Y/n), half Rayne.

Also, I had them do some small basic stuff that I do with MMA. Yeah, I do Mixed Martial Arts, not drugs ;)

ok, now THAT was pretty cringe^ not the drugs part, don't do drugs, its not cool.

anyways- I need y'alls opinion...what do you think of Jack x Rayne????

Warnings: Mentions of violence, mentions of blood/hospitalization (not graphic but its still there)

To the Edge updates every Friday and Saturday

Thank you all so much for 600+ reads!!! You guys are all amazing hsjdks I don't know what to say!!!! Please enjoy the chapter for today, stay safe, and have a wonderful day lovelies :)!!!!!!


      "I don't like how eager Starscream is to take over for Megatron." (Y/n) complained to Soundwave, arms crossed as she looked through the giant window on the Nemesis on the control panel.

      Soundwave only nodded. (Y/n) admitted, he didn't add much to the conversation other than nodding and silence. Is this even a conversation?  (Y/n) thought.

      "I mean, Starscream has spent the most time with Megatron, yet he-"

      Soundwave put his servo in front of her face, and she turned to look at him. Soundwave pointed to himself, then pointed behind him, followed by an aggressive 'x' made out of his arms. (Y/n) quirked an amused brow. "Alright, fine. He's spent the second most amount of time with Megatron," that earned a nod from Soundwave. "but that doesn't excuse his uncaring nature for our former leader's death. I mean - and I know this sounds crazy - but what if Megatron isn't actually dead?"

      Soundwave tilted his helm, a question mark appearing on his visor. (Y/n) exhaled through her nose. "I mean, his death was anti-climactic. Something tells me he's there. I mean, didn't he have a dark energon shard in his chest?"

      Chassis. appeared on his visor.

      "Right, whatever. But you told me that stuff could bring back the dead. Maybe it still works, but we just need to replace it. The dark energon would've preserved his body from the explosion, so we wouldn't need to look for missing parts."

      Soundwave shook his helm. Dark energon is hard enough to find on its own. If he had a life signal, I would have picked it up.

      "Just entertain the thought for a second, would you?" (Y/n)'s voice cracked, lungs seizing at the continuous thought of Megatron never coming back.

      Soundwave shook his head once more. (Y/n) groaned in frustration then turned back around. If only she were Cybertronian or something equivalent, she'd look for Megatron herself. (Y/n) knew how to bring up past coordinates, she learned that one by observing.

      "Commander (Y/n)," a Vehicon walked in, making her turn, hands clasped behind her back. "a section of the training room has been squared off for your use, as asked."

      (Y/n) smiled and nodded approvingly. "Well done, thank you."

      The Vehicon froze, then cleared his throat. "'re-you're welcome." He stammered, before quickly leaving the room.

      Soundwave turned to (Y/n), another question mark appearing on his visor. (Y/n) chuckled and turned to him fully, Megatron temporarily gone from her mind. "What, you thought I'd be able to get by without training?"

To the Edge (TFP Megatron x F!Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now