Chapter 17

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KDHSJ"K okay, this one is going to be a little shorter than usual, I'm sorry!! But, it DOES advance the story.

Warnings: Knockout taking reader's blood sample, and also almost killing a guy for a comparison sample

To the Edge updates every Friday and Saturday.

Thank you so much lovelies, stay safe, and enjoy the chapter :)


      Knockout took the syringe away from (Y/n), being careful to put the tiny cotton swab on her arm. Knockout had been grateful for the microscope - he had been able to see clearly with a Cybertronian one. Knockout deposited said syringe on a tray further away from (Y/n).

      The girl held the cotton swab to the puncture wound, stopping the bleeding. Knockout then slid the microscope over to a counter, placing a slider on the stage and keeping it in place with the stage clips. (Y/n) was about to call a Vehicon in to take her back to the control room, when she saw Knockout's eyebrow plating's furrow.

      "What? Is there something wrong with my blood?"

      Knockout pulled away from the microscope. "I believe I'll need another human's blood to compare to yours." He looked to her. "I'm afraid the Nemesis lacks a certain human supply."

      (Y/n) nodded. "Where are we gonna get another human for a sample? Would you just need one or multiple?"

      Knockout grinned. "I have a place, dear Commander."


      "You sure Starscream's okay with this?" (Y/n) asked Knockout.

      "Of course, and even if he somehow  isn't, you're Commander. What can he do?"

      (Y/n) sighed. "My title doesn't change the fact that he could squish me under his heels in .03 seconds, Knockout."

      Knockout said nothing, only revved his engine. (Y/n) was currently sat in his driver's seat, hands on his leather steering wheel. Inside Knockout was an overwhelming amount of leather in itself, and he had a new car smell. (Y/n) bit her lip as the other cars started revving, and even if she wasn't the one driving, it was still stressful.

      To their left, (Y/n) saw a man roll down his window. He was in an Impala. He looked like the kind of guy to spend his whole night at a bar and beat his wife. The thought made her angry.

      "Don't pay any mind to him, (Y/n). Once we get a sample, he'll be back where he belongs."

      That didn't ease her at all. The man began to speak. "That ain't from around here. European design?"

      (Y/n) didn't answer. She didn't know if the man could see her through the windows.

      "Sure is pretty. Too pretty."

      Then the man took one of his rings and scratched Knockout's paint job. (Y/n)'s eyes widened, she could feel his anger radiating off of him. Knockout growled.

      "Big  mistake."

      (Y/n) shuddered at that. The man standing at the front turned on the flashlight, indicating that it was time to start the race. Knockout raced off with the other three cars, keeping close to the Impala. (Y/n) didn't even have time to register the other two cars before Knockout was rear-ending the guy.

      (Y/n) was jerked forward by the force, glad she buckled herself in. "Knockout!"

      Knockout ignored her and drifted around a turn with him, hitting the tail end of his car. (Y/n) yelped as she was jerked in her seat. Heart racing, she looked over to see the Impala go right through the guard railing. (Y/n) covered her mouth with her hand, the other white knuckling Knockout's wheel.

      "You scratch my paint,  scratch yours." Knockout transformed ( (Y/n) on his shoulder plating) and reached down, grabbing the guy from his car.

      Knockout transformed again, and (Y/n) was slightly horrified at the sight of the now-delirious man bleeding out in Knockout's passenger seat. (Y/n) clenched her jaw and opted to stay quiet.


      Knockout began to compare the blood samples, and (Y/n) kept glancing at the injured man. Deciding to do something about it, she called in one of the Vehicons via comm. "Steve, can you come to the medbay? I require an assist, please."

      "Right away, Commander."

      "Assist with what?" Knockout piped up, not looking away from the microscope.

      "Since you probably wont take him anywhere else, I'm dropping him off at the hospital."

      "Oh come on now, (Y/n). You were just mad at him earlier from how he looked." Knockout looked at her.

      (Y/n) narrowed her eyes. "Commander,  and I know. Things are kind of different when you run him off the road and over a small cliff, Knockout."

      Knockout rolled his optics and went back to the samples, messing around with them. Steve came not too much longer after that. Steve agreed to help (Y/n) take the man to the hospital. (Y/n) carefully loaded the man as best as she could in the Vehicon's backseat, calling Soundwave for a groundbridge.

      While (Y/n) and Steve were away, Knockout continued to play around with the samples. He found that the man's blood type was O negative, and (Y/n)'s was (your blood type). But, there seemed to be something wrong with (Y/n)'s sample, something that the man didn't have. Pulling away, Knockout sifted through some shelves nearby, and grabbed an energon cube.

      Going back to the sliders, he took a tiny morsel out of the cube and placed it in the man's blood. The cells froze, no longer moving, as if they were being electrocuted. Knockout hummed to himself, it seems Starscream was correct in his observation. Humans and energon don't mix.

      Going back to the cube, he cut off a new morsel and placed it in (Y/n)'s blood. The bits of energon instead was swallowed and dimmed a little bit, along with the other many tiny blue dots in her blood. Knockout had concluded that the man didn't have the same blue dots, and did not react so willingly to the energon as (Y/n)'s blood did.

      "What could this mean...? Could she be immune to the affects of energon a normal human would have? Or..." Knockout looked back at her blood. "What if she's some hybrid no one discovered until now?"

      One thing was for certain, he would be sharing his findings with Starscream and taking more samples from (Y/n) to study. "This is going to be juicy..."

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