Chapter 9

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Mmmm reader is quite the poet when it comes to describing Megatron in some ways, huh?

Warnings: Physical abuse, mental abuse, mentions of past physical, mental and emotional abuse, mentions of running away from home, trauma, PTSD/depressive episode

Oh man I'm packing it today...either way, stay safe and enjoy the chapter today lovelies :)


      As soon as the two landed, (Y/n) in Megatron's servo, Soundwave appeared from inside the Nemesis, moving with them. Soundwave had shown everything to Megatron; Starscream kidnapping a Government agent called 'Fowler', keeping him in the brig, the Autobots storming the Nemesis to bring him back, everything. The absolute anger that radiated off of Megatron was one (Y/n) hoped would never be directed at her.

      "Thank you, Soundwave. Take (Y/n), I have a matter I must attend to." Megatron offered (Y/n) to the silent mech, Soundwave taking her and gently sitting her on his shoulder.

      "Hey noodle." (Y/n) smiled up at Soundwave, who only shook his head at the nickname.

      Both mechs walked towards the control room, where (Y/n) assumed Megatron took his post most times, before he left anyway. (Y/n) had a bad feeling in her stomach, Starscream was obviously going to get scolded. Megatron, the gladiator, the politician, was not to be expected to be a lenient leader. Megatron was as hard as diamonds, maybe even harder, and seemed to carry himself with the same elegancy as diamonds as well. (Y/n) couldn't deny while staring at Megatron's backstruts that Megatron knew what he was doing, and the confidence radiating off of him (and the dark energon) made for so much power. Power that made her want to drool.

      The mechs entered the control room, Megatron entering first. Starscream was ordering a Vehicon when he saw his leader, yelping in surprise before regaining his composure. Megatron growled at this, and moved closer to Starscream. Soundwave instead moved to the side, allowing both him and (Y/n) a view of what was going to happen. Soundwave turned to (Y/n), words appearing on his visor.

      Whatever you do, you must stay silent.

      "Silent? What- I-"

      "I ordered you to await my command!" Megatron threw his arm against Starscream's chassis, making the smaller mech fly back.

      (Y/n)'s eyes widened, shock flooding her body. Starscream looked up weakly, already looking defeated. (Y/n)'s hands began to twitch in fear, but she didn't let herself curl into Soundwave's neck cables. What would Megatron say to that?

      Megatron began to walk with Starscream, power and anger mixing together, making (Y/n) want to drool even more, even if she was scared. "Instead your mindless agenda resulted in the disabling of my ship! And the delay of my plans!"

      Starscream threw himself on his backstruts, trying to crawl away in fear, as Megatron walked forward. "My intentions were pure, master. I only wanted you to be rid of Optimus!"

      As soon as the last syllable left his intake, Megatron stepped on the poor mech. Starscream struggled underneath Megatron's pede, trying to wriggle his way out from beneath it. "No one rids me of Optimus Prime but me, do you understand?! Do you?!" Megatron leaned closer to yell in his faceplate.

      Megatron applied more pressure, and Starscream spoke, making him sound deeper than he ever has been before. "Lord Megatron! I will make things right...I swear! I know how to set your plans back on course!"

      Megatron took his pede off of Starscream and reached to grab his neck cables. Megatron pulled him up like such. "Explain Starscream, quickly."

      (Y/n) couldn't hear anymore, she was now thrust into her own world, one she'd thought she'd escaped. Memories of her family, and how they'd caused her so much pain. Physical, for the most part. Made her feel useless, worthless, and told her she should die. The sword was all she had left - and it was dull for a reason. (Y/n) was not the only ones with major injuries that day. All she knew was she wanted to go home, she was extremely uncomfortable now, despite still wanting to drool.


      (Y/n) saw a green jeep drive down the road right before her bike made it into the Darby's driveway. Jack was working on his bike, Arcee nowhere in sight. "Hey, what happened to the motorcycle?"

      Jack looked up, looking agitated already, but softened his gaze when it landed on (Y/n). "Oh, nothing. Just...let a buddy of mine borrow it."

      (Y/n) arched a brow but decided she wouldn't give him trouble. She was too exhausted for witty comebacks anyway. Jumping off her own bike, (Y/n) slid it into the garage, kicking the kick stand down to make it stand upright. Jack watched her every move.

      "Hey are you alright? You seem a lot more tired today."

      "Yeah, I'm fine Jack." (Y/n) shot a smile over her shoulder at him.

      "You sure?" He stood. "I can help you with like, homework or something. I mean, you look extremely tired and-"

      "Jack," (Y/n) put her hand on his, reassuring him with a smile. "I'm alright."

      Jack sighed and nodded, allowing (Y/n) to slip away. Jack turned back to his bike and started to try and fix it again, and (Y/n) let her smile falter. She did need help, but her own pride wouldn't allow her to search for it. Plus, what would happen if Jack found out that she was (probably) an official Decepticon? An officer no less? Shaking her head, (Y/n) made her way into the house, grabbing something to eat, then marching to her room.

      Sitting on her bed, eating, and finishing up her homework that was due Monday, her phone began to ring. Looking over, the caller ID was unknown. Curiosity getting the best of her, she picked up the phone and answered.

      "Hello?" (Y/n) said tiredly.

      Nothing from the other line.

      "Hello?" (Y/n) said again, now annoyed.

      Still nothing.

      Growling, (Y/n) rose her voice. "Hello?"

      Finally, someone said something on the other line, but it was a voice she'd never expect to hear again. "(Y/n)?"

      Quickly hanging up, she wished she never took that call. (Y/n) knew the voice. It was someone from her old life - her old home. Someone she didn't want to see again, and for good reason. The person belonging to the voice, once was her friend. And now she never wanted to see them again. Why couldn't the universe just let her move on?

      Head now in her hands, she felt the tears building up with the memories. How her parents would beat her and spit on her, calling her names and telling her to do horrible things, while her siblings were their prized children. How she grabbed the sword and snapped. How her parents had weapons of their own. How her siblings screamed at the sight. How the adrenaline felt as she ran. Ran far away. Far, far away. And then, finally, ending at the Nevada hospital where she met June Darby.

      (Y/n)'s shoulder shook along with her lip, and the tears finally left. She didn't dare cry out, not wanting to alert Jack. Reaching over, she turned off the light that illuminated her room, opting to cry in the dark. The cold, dark claws of sadness, hopelessness and grief took a strong hold for the first time in a long time, allowing her to wallow in her own self pity, before finally plunging her into the dark depths of slumber.

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