Chapter 28

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Warnings: Mentions of taking blood, a cringe Jack and Rayne conversation

To the Edge updates every Friday and Sunday. If I upload on another day, or if there is no upload that day, check out my conversation board. I'll have posted what's going on and what day the chapter is to be rescheduled for.

Thank you so much lovelies, stay safe, and enjoy the chapter :)


      Rayne hummed to herself as she put in a sheet of cookies in the oven. It had been a quiet day in the Autobot base, something she wasn't very used to. It must've been because the bots were all out today. Well, except Ratchet.

      Miko claimed she was bored and that's when Rayne suggested baking, but as usual, Miko only drew in her sketchbook at the human kitchen table. Shaking her head, Rayne turned to leave the room, opting to rest her forearms on the railing right outside the entryway. To her right were some stairs humans could climb, but right now her attention was directed at Ratchet.

      When the Autobots had returned from their mission to save Breakdown, Bulkhead must've said something alarming to them. So alarming that it required Ratchet to take blood samples of all the humans in base. "For research," he'd said. Rayne rubbed the band-aid that covered her arm, Ratchet having taken hers earlier in the day.

      She'd tried asking Optimus what was wrong, but he only dodged the question. Ratchet had been studying the samples all day, not even giving Raf any sort of attention. Furrowing her eyebrows slightly in frustration, she was about to head down the stairs when a sudden mass was in her way.

      "Oh, hey Jack." Rayne mumbled, trying to move past him.

      Jack caught her arm. "Rayne, I have to talk to you."

      "Can it wait?" Rayne sighed.

      "No, actually." Jack snapped.

      Rayne looked up at him in confusion. What was he  so annoyed about? Straightening her back, she opted to hear Jack out. The noiret teen took a moment to realize he had Rayne's attention. Sucking in a breath, Jack began to speak.

      "I actually like you, a lot. more than a friend." He fidgeted when Rayne didn't respond. "I- I was hoping-"

      "Don't you like a girl named Sierra?"

      Jack stopped. Rayne had heard of her? Maybe from Miko. "Well not...not since I realized my feelings for you."

      Rayne was hesitant. She'd promised Optimus to keep their relationship a secret, and they'd been doing good at hiding it so far, but she wasn't sure if she wouldn't blurt it out right now on accident. Not like Jack would believe her, though.

      "Well, see...I actually like someone else." Rayne tried to step away.

      "Probably (Y/n), right?" Miko piped up, walking up to them.

      "What?" Jack and Rayne said in unison.

      "Well you never talk about any guys you like, nevermind the bots. All you talk about is (Y/n) this, (Y/n) that."

      "No, I- I talk about more than that, just (Y/n) is my childhood friend is all. I want her to be safe."

      "Miko, can you get out of here? I'm doing something important." Jack spat.

      "What? Oh. Oh!  Alright, I'll go." Miko snickered before running off.

      "Jack, look... I," Rayne sighed. "I think you're a great guy, but I just...I really don't feel the same way. You're type."

      Jack winced. "Oh, but Optimus is?"

      "Jack, please..."

      "What if I were more like Optimus? Would you like me then?"

      "Jack don't make this harder than it has to be." Rayne cringed.

      Jack opened his mouth to say something else, but instead someone else piped up. "Rayne! I need you over here, quickly!"

      Rayne swiveled her storm gray eyes in the direction of Ratchet. Bounding down the stairs and over to the medic, the old mech wasted no time in picking her up. "Thank you so much, Ratch. You just saved me from a horrible-"

      "Yes, yes. You can tell me all the details after you answer a few questions for me in my lab." Ratchet cut her off, seeming to be in a hurry.

      After the short trip to his lab, Ratchet placed Rayne down on a counter. Picking up his datapad, he scrolled through something before turning to Rayne. "Before we begin, your blood type is B positive, correct?"

      "I...assume so." Rayne had no idea.

      "And you have no bloodborne diseases, correct?"

      "Right. Doc, I already answered these questions. Is something wrong with my blood?"

      Ratchet looked up at Rayne, then back to his pad, then sighed. "You may want to see this."

      Placing the pad in front of her, he brought up four pictures. Each picture had a name, the names of all the humans in the Autobot base. They were all close up pictures, so she was able to vaguely see the cells. Three of the pictures showed the cells all clumped together, as if stopped with a blob of blue in it. The fourth however, showed a different picture.

      "Ratch, what am I looking at?" Rayne asked, her vision being limited by the rim of her glasses, from only her eyes flicking up.

      "Do you see the blob of blue?" He pointed.

      Rayne nodded.

      "That's energon. I want you to take a good look at the last picture - your  picture."

      Rayne's blood cells weren't clumped together. They were fairly spaced out, the blob of blue seemingly being captured mid-devour. Her blood cells were either devouring the energon, or she guessed the tiny bits of blue were what flowed in her already. Rayne chewed her lip.

      "When Bulkhead came back he told us of an encounter he had with (Y/n)." Ratchet spoke lightly, cautiously, as if he was afraid he'd hurt Rayne. "Except she was...bigger."

      Rayne paled. Megatron hadn't...had he? "Wait, wait, where bigger? Like, stomach?"

      "She was not..." Ratchet struggled to get the word out. "erm...sparked. She was much taller. As in, Cybertronian sized."

      "What? How?"

      "Bulkhead mentioned she and Starscream were fighting, and he called her a techno-organic. I suspect the Decepticons have found a new species in your former friend.

      Rayne's head felt like it was spinning. A new species? (Y/n) never gave any hint at any point that she was a new species. Except for maybe surviving the horrible attack she suffered from her parents. Other than that, Rayne could think of nothing relating to Cybertronians, any bit of being a new species, or anything similar to that.

      "In which case, Rayne, it is the same species that I suspect..." Ratchet stopped. "The same species I suspect you are."

To the Edge (TFP Megatron x F!Reader) ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن