Chapter 25. Pregnant

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I woke up the next morning feeling really sick. I threw up then I remembered last night's happenings. In the cupboard I saw pregnancy tests I took on and tested it had two lines it was ........positive. it was Luke's birthday in 2 weeks so I decided to wrap it up in a box and give it to him. I gotta dressed in shorts and a baggy jumper. I felt so warm surely it was colder than this in Hollywood I woke up Luke and asked him "Where are we it's too warm for Hollywood?" He chuckled "we took a detour to Australia" he smirked and I smiled back. He got up and we went to see Luke's mum and dad and brothers. When we arrived me and Luke made our way into the house no not house shall I say mansion. I stood in the living room and a blonde haired women came in "hello dear... you must be Mrs Hannah Hemmings" I nodded and blushed then she said "are you feeling alright you look rather pale" I shook my head No " I'm pregnant with Luke's baby" she gasped and a smile formed on her face "does Luke know yet" I shook my head "I'm telling him on his birthday." she walked out the room and then two men that look alike walked in and smiled and said "Hi I'm Jack and this is Ben" one of them said then I said "I'm Hannah your step sister" they gasped "your married... to Luke?" I nodded smiling. They left the room smiling and a middle aged man walked in "oh... hello there miss I'm Andrew and you are?" I smiled and said "I'm Hannah your step daughter!?" He smiled and said "so your the lady Luke is talking about?" I smiled and nodded Luke's walked in and smiled and ushered his dad out the room. He kissed my cheek and we left the mansion to go back to the hotel room.

2weeks later
It's Luke's birthday tomorrow and I'm starting to get bigger from pregnancy. I fell asleep on the sofa and I woke up... today is Luke's birthday. I woke up and slowly walked down the stairs to make his breakfast I made his favourite bacon and eggs on toast. When it was on a plate I set it on the table and I put his present in front of it and a second later I felt arms wrapped around my waist I smiled and turned round "hey Lukey" he smiled and sat down "open the present first babe?" He nodded and unwrapped it then he opened the box and saw the test he had tears in his eyes and he smiled when he saw the positive. Then he shot up and kissed me and hugged me " how many weeks and I'm going to be a daddy!!" I smiled and said " 2 weeks and I'm going to be a mummy!?" He smiled and we sat down to eat breakfast. We finished and got dressed and headed to the hospital for a scan. When we got there we got called into a room and I had a scan performed "your having twins!?!? A BOY and a GIRL!" I smiled widely and I wiped the gel off they gave me a green folder to record all dates and scan pictures. I left and we went home. Luke was picking the girls name and I was picking the boys name. I had decided on Lucas and he had decided on Ash for the girl. "You picked part of Ashtons name" I smiled then he said "well yeah he is my brother and an uncle to our babies and he asked for it and besides you picked the name that most people call me" I smirked and nodded and we bed after dinner.

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