Chapter 28. Tour Number 2 Please. England today Oslo tomorrow

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Today is the 1st interview of the tour and surprise surprise it was the same woman from the last interviews and worse and flirted with all the lads... if she batted her eyelashes one move time I would of ripped her eyes out of her skull and shoved the down her throat so she could see me dig her intestines out when I sliced her guts open. After the interview we had to hurry to catch the plane to Ok so for the 2nd tour.

We arrives at the gate and zoomed through security check then we dashed onto the private jet and picked out seats. I was in between Luke and Ashton and beside us was kiara Calum and Michael.

12 hours later


Later on we landed in England because we do a show there first for two days and then we move onto Oslo.

We got off the plane and made our way to the hotel. On the way there we saw a few celebrities aka. The beckhams, and One Direction. When we got into the hotel I decided to go for a walk by myself and when I was walking i bumped into someone... someone I haven't seen in ages.

The peep I bumped into was...............

Jaded Smith and with him was Brooklyn Beckham. Jaded didn't recognise me at first but when he did he was so surprised " Rebecca is that you?" He asked me, i nodded "aye man long time no see huh lad?" He smiled "nah you here for long?" I shook my head" I leave on Monday so two days" he nodded "Brooklyn lad this is my bud rebecca" I smiled and waved and she smiled too and nodded his head.

I hung out with them for the remaining days and invited them to the show tomorrow night which the kindly accepted to tagging along with me and the others. I swear I must be going crazy because Brooklyn keeps on staring at me and when i catch him he looks away blushing.

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