Chapter 22. Copenhagen and traipsing for Vevo Lift

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I woke up a little while later I sat up and remembered we were in Copenhagen. I got out of bed and got dressed just decided on a 5sos pink and white shirt with my black skinny jeans and my black vans. I walked downstairs and saw Calum and Luke watching tv. Callum Was smirking then he stood up and said "Yay were twins for the day" he smiled then just sighed and muttered "yay" he glared at me and I laughed and sat next to Luke. today the boys were going traipsing for Vevo Lift. Ashton and Michael made their way downstairs rubbing their eyes. Once they were fully waken up I sent them upstairs to get dressed. They clattered down the stairs 20 minutes later bright eyed bushy tailed (Alvin and The Chipmunks saying :) ) We got in the car and made our way to the area. When we got there Calum and Michael found megaphone and started making songs with them then suddenly I heard one right beside me and I jumped not because it was loud but because I wasn't expecting it lol. I scolded Calum for scaring the crap out of me and then they were told to put them down and complete the training and health and safety hazards of the area. Once they were done they walked over to a massive ladder with a platform at the top Luke ran over to me and kissed me then ran back to the ladder and began climbing up it. Ashton grabbed onto the metal pole what swings back and forth and before he got back to the platform he did a backflip off the pole and landing with a bounce on the bed of the trampoline. Luke waved to me and blew me a kiss because his turn was after Calum and Michael. When Luke finally got his turn then we're to go upside down. I don't know about Luke but im nervous shouldn't he be the nervous one here? He jumped and my breath hitched and a while later he was back at the platform shaking with fear. The instructor said it's over now so we made our way to the car and decided to get a maccas for Dinner. I got a Happy Meal so did Ashton. Then when we were all sat down Ashton said "I get happy meals because I can mAke it an extra happy" we all burst out laughing and he just smiled at us. When we were done we made our way back to our hotel room and fell asleep so we were ready for the Concert tomorrow.

I woke up and got dressed, I plugged my hair straighteners in and straightened my hair pin straight. I decided to make myself pancakes then go to the drug store to buy hair dye. After I finished my pancakes I put my black vans on and grabbed my purse with my money in it and made my way to buy hair dye. When I got there I saw Michael so I walked up behind him and said "Boo" he jumped and spun round smiling. I waved to him and saw he was buying Neon pink hair dye and I decided to do the same so I picked up a box of pink hair dye and carried it o to pay for it then me and Michael made our way back to the hotel. When we got there everyone was panicking because they couldn't find us. I ran up stairs and me and Michael dyed our hair together.

A few months later I was finally 21 so had already been on our first tour together and me and Luke are still going strong and me and Ashton are getting closer since we found our we were brother and sister. Luke woke me up and said "wake up babe it's half 9 and we are going for a walk tonight" I smiled and Kiera (Ashtons girlfriend) walked in shoving me into the bathroom to shower and do bathroom duties. When I came out I saw a baby blue knee length dress with no straps lay on my bed with white tights and white cowgirl boots and a dark blue choker with a dark blue tiara with a gold frame I gasped and quickly slid into it then Kiera came back into the room and curled the hair ends and French braided it then she put the tiara on perfectly and did my make up it was just natural.

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